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Show 14C The Salt Lake Tribune, ( Friday, January G&OTMIHZB KQIQBMIIS 24, 19M Hopes Are High The Biseounl that everybody understands! For 1st Woman Jaycee President LOGAN (AP) State Jaycees President Mark Fulsom said he expects to see "a new revival of the Logan Chapter under its first woman president, Jean Keaton. At a National Jaycee Week dinner, Fulsom said Logan was the first chapter in the state to admit women after a court ruling two years ago said Jaycees could not deny membership on the basis of sex. About half the Logan Chapter s 32 members are women, Fulsom said, while women comprise about s of the state's estimated 800 0 u one-thir- d Jay-cee- T was all for women joining the Javcees because they are hard work- ers and as a rule have more creative ideas about what a community needs," he said. Fullsom said Jaycee membership in the state has been as low as 500 and as high as 10,000 since the first chapter was organized in Salt Lake City 57 years. Lake chapter was reThe i starting the county pubsponsible ic library system and the Bonneville Scut Flat races," he said. The state leader said membership in most chapters began to decline about five years ago as recruitment efforts slowed and "fewer and fewer people replaced those reaching the maximum age of 36. Ms. Keaton, whose husband, Don, is a past president of the chapter, said she is anxious to see more young men and women take advantage of the opportunity to help make the community better. "In the past Logan Jaycees have led successful campaigns for community projects, including the municipal swimming pool. We are hopeful that members will come up with ideas on projects for the future," she said. M NOT ALL ITEMS ARE Vz PRICE. . .BUT WE HAVE MORE ITEMS AT Vz PRICE, THAN MANY STORES STOCK! PIMY MIL 9 P . . BCtA SS, (SANE GLASS CONTEMPORARY STYLE iDfJGWE SET FA made a special purchase on beautiful contemporary dinettes In a variety of styles and were passing the savings on to you! this particular dinette features oband 4 long glass table with brass base, beautiful cane back breuers chairs with cushion seats. A great value! Weve BEE) QUEEN SIZE upholstered SALE PRICED! Beautiful styling with channel back, skirted front and curved arms, in an elegant haitian cotton fabric. You'd expect to pay much more than this for a classic queen size sofa bed. Now specially priced . . . V2 OFF! 3E 'A PRICE Beaver Ranchers Could Face SAVINGS Cruelty Charges ACCENT Special to The Tribune The Utah County AttorOREM neys Office Thursday was preparing misdemeanor charges against two corporations apd seven individuals in connection with an investigation of beavers starving to death at an Orem beaver ranch. Charlene Barlow, deputy county attorney, said the complaints are for Class B misdemeanors, cruelty to animals. Ms. Barlow said the corporations involved are from out of state and, although they had been registered in Utah in the past, arent at the present. Our main concern is that the animals are being cared for, she said. GHnKol (SZHMiTF eu SELECT OVER ) GROUP OF TABLES o)FF! UNIVERSAL OCTAGON COCKTAIL .TABLE now NOW NOW ONLY STYLE SQ. YD. This ONLY $5o Elegant Plush carpet of 100 Virgin Wool. Six rolls only. Slightly irregular. Choose from 3 colors: TEA plush DISCRIMINATE CUTER. . . lOIbCBtmniY $88 W in ROSE, BLUEBELL, STEPPING STONE GREY. REG. $59 Sq. Yd. if perfect. CABPETIKO I Many styles and colors to choose from EXTRA HEAVY BLUSH CARPET clean, contemporary patterns. Excellent for any room in the house. VALUES TO $10 SQ. YD. VIRGIN WOOL 100 , GAM So thick and heavy, you can walk on it in spikes. GoH Club houses use this corpet for it's durability. Red, Brown, or Forrest. VALUES TO $39 SQ. YD. ONLY AKOFOSTHE COMMBKl A1 PLAID CARPET of LAiYlPS r tough, durable 100 Nylon carpet features a stylish plaid pattern in a variety of color combinations. 8 rolls only! REG. $13 SQ. YD. Choose from a multitude elegant color combinations 130 50 TABLE ROLLS AND V2 OFF! LEVEL LOOP BESSES CARPET HUGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM urn LOOP Commode End Table By Broyhill NOW ONLY NOW ONLY v NOW ONLY. SOLID PINE & PINE VENEERS SOLID MAPLE "HUDSON CAKNON3ALL Lynn Tyler, executive director of the Humane Society of Utah, said his agency had been tipped earlier this week that over 100 beavers were dying at the beaver ranch. He said their investigator believes from 100 to 150 beavers have died over the last month or six weeks. "We believe the animals are dying because of stress, lack of food, broken equipment and lack of manpower, all tied to a problem with funds, Mr. Tyler said, adding the problems at the ranch in Orem are believed linked to financial problems of the parent California company. Suppliers Warning Utah Gas Prices Wont Fall Soon GENUINE LEATHER OGDEN (AP) The cost of crude oil may be plunging sharply on national fuel markets, but it will likely be several months before the decline shows up at local gasoline pumps. Northern Utah petroleum suppliers said it may be late summer before area consumers benefit from the downward spiral in crude oil prices that has taken place over the last three months. Crude oil costs on some markets have declined more than $10 a barrel since November, from about $32 to less than $22, and some industry analysts are predicting the price of crude r barrel may dip below the . mark by However, local fuel prices have been fairly stable throughout the win ter and remain only a few cents per gallon lower than they were during the summer and fall. "We really haven't seen much change in price at the distributor level, said Greg Randall of Randall Distributing Co. in Layton. However, Randall said he ran not discuss wholesale fuel prices and price movement figures because the information is confidential. Fred Greiner of Flying J. Inc. said he doubts the slightly lower pump prices seen during December and January are a result of the decline in crude oil costs. Prices are subject to seasonal fhictuutions and current prices are mainly a reflection of the winter market," he said. We generally see a decline in prices in the winter the demand is down." Selig LEATHER CHAIR GENUINE LEATHER (CC3ADR and and OTVOE1AH ottoman . . . you'll love it and our Sale Price! design with Unique high-tec- h swivel base. Choose from Black, Brown or Ivory. 3 Only Reg. 599 $20-pe- mid-April- SAfl3SG you're receiving a tax refund, R.C. Willey's own credit accounts make it by possible to purchase NOW and paying off your purchase by May 1st . . . save all interest charges on that purchase! (Previous purchases do not apply) Even If you're not receiving a tax refund, when you pay for your purchase by May 1st, R.C. Willey deducts the interest! (A Minimum downpayment may be required) ALL SALES ARE FINAL FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED If ... CONTINUES FRIDAY. . . 10 AM to 9 PM! THIS EXCITING SALES EVENT BEGAN MONDAY, JANUARY 1 3th at 10 AM. MANY ITEMS IN EVERY DEPT. ARE Vz PRICE, (with the exMANY ception of TV, Electronics, Appliances and ITEMS ALTHOUGH NOT Vz PRICE, REPRESENT SENSATIONAL HOME FURNISHING VALUES! Y) SAVE U? TO . . ,20 30 WITH SS5I Vi PRICE rauanAY 861 Ph. E. 6600 262-667- 1 S. toe IIOMWFUKNISHINGS anosDD STOCK HOURS: 1 open Weekdays 0 am to 7 ;30 pm Frl. 10-- 9 St. 10-Closed Sunday 6 WE CARRY OUR OWN CREDIT ACCOUNTS R.C. Willey's own Credit Dept, re can handle your finance needs. Take up to 48 months to pay with low monthly payments. If for some reason you're not familiar with R.C. Willey's brands we carry the following famous lines which are included in this incredible savings sale: ARMSTRONG BURLINGTON SIMMONS MASLAND LEA BERNHARDT VAUGHN LANE HYUNDAI STANLEY DIXIE and CHROMCRAFT MUCH, MUCH MORE! ' |