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Show 4A Tbt Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, January 24, Woman Who Refused To Leave Prison Dies at 100 I'M X5W.'S TRENDNOTES Cellular telephones, still too expense for most automobile owners, are finding a place and a growing market in t mass-transi- starting this year riders on Amiran systems Pay cellular-telephon- systems first appeared on airplanes and then in taxicabs, where drivers say they're good for business Now in the state of Washington, mobile phones have s been installed on Puget Sound and in several Seattle Metro buses, with much success And e cellular-phon- fer-r-e- sc ,V tt G'Oop T. Wasn.ng'on DC jon NaiSOiH s New York Washington route can make phone calls from me trams Soon technology will enable us to link up witn individuals anywhere m the world without going through national phone systems Cellular technology marks the start of an extraordinary age of truly portable communications that'll! connect the world on an individual basis . Weirdo Invades Home iDons Lingerie, Totes Gun A couple BURBANK, Calif. (AP) who took a skiing trip last weekend say they returned home to find a lingerie-cla- d invader who Ijad rearranged furniture, emptied -toting, perfume bottles, and scribbled notes Cbout the president and Sally Field. Jeffrey Hill overpowered the intruder and locked him in the trunk of the family car until police arrived Sunday night, but memories of the man's bizarre behavior in their home may make the house unliveable for Her family, Olivia Hill said Wednesday. The man, who identified himself to police as Richard Roe, 45, of Arizona, was booked for investigation of at- r tempted murder, burglary and possession of a deadly weapon. Roe pleaded innocent to all three 'counts during arraignment Thursday ' ill Municipal Court. His preliminary hearing was set for Feb. 27. The Hills left Jan. 16 for a four-da- y trip to Big Bear Lake to celebrate Mrs. Hills 30th birthday. ; When they returned Sunday night, We walked into the kitchen dumbfounded. We knew something very strange was going on, said Hill, 38. Notes were taped to the kitchen pabirtets,. including some that said: fMy.oame is Sally Field, "Ronald Reagan is the head of state, and All ye who enters' these doors shall sink into the bowels of the earth. A red fcandle was burning in the living .. . roorjl , , Pttice Detective Craig Ratliff said he was in touch with the FBI "because of the note the guy wrote about Reagan. Olivia, my wife, immediately ran with our son, Hunter, down to a neighbors house to call 911," said in state custody Anna Szenan, who died Wednesday at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, turned down offers of parole in 1942 and 1959 She was the oldest inmate in state custody, according to The Columbus Dispatch Szenan was sentenced to life in prison in 1929 for the second-degre- e murder of Mrs. Alonzo Snyder of Cleveland. When she first came up for parole, she asked to serve out her life in prison, and authorities agreed. At the second hearing, in 1959, she again told officials she was happy in jail. Leave me alone," she told the board. "This is my home." The board agreed to her request because the woman, a native of Romania, apparently had no relatives 1985 & A womCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP; an who twice refused to leave prison, saying it was her home, has died at the age of 100 after spending 57 years Hill. "I continued moving through the house alone ." He confronted the intruder in a darkened doorway. "I shouted, Who are you and what . are you doing in my house? "He just brought the rifle up with his left hand and pointed it at me. . "I lunged forward, grabbed the barrel of the gun, and we both fell to the floor," said Hill, who stands and weighs 225 pounds. He said he pounded the man in the face. And then he finally said, OK, OK." Hill described the man as a of guy with Charles Manson-typ- e hair." Hill long, filthy, marched the man out to the family car and locked him in the trunk. I cant touch anything in this house because this man violated us, Mrs. Hill said. "I dont know if I can stay here again." While there, the man "changed into my underwear, police think, at least a dozen times a day." she said. . He loved my clothes, and he loved order," she added. and considered the prison staff her family, Marsyville Superintendent Dorothy Am said Arn said the board also allowed her to stay out of kindness and because she had no visible means of support. Abducted Boy Sees His Photo on I V; I Nearly Dropped Dead, Says Sitter - said. They found your son I start" ed screaming said she planned Studer Jennifer to drive to Birmingham Thursday to claim her son at a Bessemer church, w here he is being cared for until his mother arrived. She said Buddy and a A BIRMINGHAM Ala iLPL boy kidnapped a year ago was located after the child saw his picture on a television show about missing children and notified a baby sitter, authorities said Thursday The baby sitter Said she "nearly dropped dead" when the boy pointed out his pict are on the NBC television show "Missing" Wednesday brother were abducted Jan 5. 1935 The older boy was released five blocks away, she said. The mother said said knew her had relatives in Birmingham and she had been to Alabama four times looking for her night. "He said, I ook at me. Im on TV, said the baby sitter, Pam Robinson, 30. "I tried to take his attention away by telling him it wasnt him, but he knew. They " gave his name and everything "I saw myself on TV and I told Pam, the boy told reporters at the Jefferson County Family Court. People were missing on TV. I didn't run away." Police charged Benjamin Lester Studer, 33, of Covington, Ky Tuesday night with kidnapping his son, Benjamin Lee 'Buddy" last year Studer, from his , Jennifer Studer said she Shop weekdays 10 - 9 Saturday . wild-lookin- g For example, he threw out all odd pieces of silverware and crystal. He threw out every bottle of liqueur but put every bottle of hard liquor into the refrigerator. He threw out the frozen steaks and the frozen shrimp, but he put all the rest of the frozen food into a bathroom medicine chest, she said. He tned making waffles from Rice Chex. He threw out all my junk jewelry, but wrapped my expensive jewelry in his clothes. And then he emptied out every bottle of my perfume onto his clothes, and then neatly stored them in a bundle under a living room window seat " OFF and more! avmiimu imvimuumw (c)umira iMrdff off winter styles in Fashion Dresses Broken S40-S8- 0 Reg. 8-1- Selected group, S62-S8- 5 S38-S4- Assoc'crted Press Loserphoto and his mother, Peggy McMartin Raymond Buckey, tell 57, judge theyre innocent of child abuse charges. Buckey, 27, Pair Pleads Innocent to Molesting Children in Pre - School Center t; ' A District Attorney Ira Reiner announced last week that evidence against five other defendants was too weak to prosecute. Prosecutors dismissed charges against the school's founder. Virginia McMartin, her granddaughter. Peggy Ann Buckey, 29, and three former teachers at the An extra S25-S2- 7, Petite Dresses. Women 's Sportswear blouses now 9.99 Fall and holiday, 25off Reg. $40$ 160 Jackets, skirts, 36-44- . Designer Sportswear markdowns morcp-fW- , 25 off An extra 25 off An extra t, xur vj,-- ,,. Fashion Sportswear markdowns Reg. Reg. school ; 4 Many styles in 8 60 - 63off Reg. petite dresses 4-1- off sweaters in Miss ZC Reg. - in limited selection. 8 ff 50 -- Closed Sunday 10-- 6 . Reg. - Studer was being held in the Bessemer City Jail until he could be returned to face charges in Kentucky. Officials said he had waived extradition. knew he was going to be on there, she said. You just pray something will happen. The Covington police came riding up to the house and screamed with joy when she heard that her son had been found. "I watched the show because I a 33-50o- The two reANGELES (AP) maining defendants in the McMartin Pfe School molestation case pleaded innocent Thursday to 101 felony child ahuse and conspiracy charges. tPeggy McMartin Buckey, 57, former director of the school in suburban Manhattan Beach, and her son. Raymond Buckey, 27, were ordered return to court on Feb. 20 for a pfctrial hearing. 'After the mother and son told Superior Court Judge Aurelo Munoz they were indigent, the judge appointed attorney Daniel Davis to represent Btkey and attorney Dean Gits to defend Mrs. Buckey. iuckey remains in jail, where he is be&ig held without bail. He faces trial omW counts of child molestation and one count of conspiracy. His mother, held at Sybil Brand Institute in lieu of $500,000 bail, faces trial on 20 counts of child molestation and a conspiracy count. Gits has said family members and friends are working to raise enough money to post bail. Didnt Run Away I ex-wi- 33 4 son. Robinson said she had baby-sa- t the boy for about four months after answering a newspaper advertisement for a sitter. She said she had been told by Studer that the boys mother was dead, but was suspicious because the boy insisted she was not. He said he was not allowed to talk about his mother, Robinson said. I thought that was strange." $30-- $ $19-$6- 100 Good coordinate selection in sizes Broken 0 6-1- 4 8-1- Maternity markdowns pants, tops, dresses; limited. An preliminary hearing for all seven, believed to be the longest and costliest in state history, ended earlier this month. Total costs of investigation and prosecution in the case are more than $4 million. During the preliminary hearing, 14 former preschool students described acts of rape and sodomy, testifying they were stripped and photographed, forced to watch satanic rituals and to view animal mutilations Parei ts of former preschool students, outraged by Friday's di opping of charges, vowed Wednesday to ask the state attorney general to rcfile charges. An extra 25off Reg. $15-$4- 0 Sportique separates coordinates All styles and colors. v.. ... c. vm-- ' ESIaESIII |