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creek crook far tr eco field and aitkin 7 T out 00 M SUNNYSIDE NoM For mounds and Sunn ae 8 nc Ns sifrona SiF roa dunn velde to helper t m for information routes connections connect lona rutes rates etc cupply to or address B II 11 Mo DoALD agent dilce Pric alil sli etick TO HANNAM CITY AND KT I 1 OUIS leave lea ve pueblo 1 35 p tn and denver and colorado spring springs 3 p ni in daily vils 1 rock irvi route arclo hansas city 9 next morning aud st louie louts tit tep a p in standard sk ep ing cur curs observation car cam chair curs ears and dining care cars for all aneals tub TIM atckison TOl KAb SANTA sanira HANTA VE ll otTOk in connection with the tho 1110 hlo orande grande IW watern khern jhb froin utah to st joseph josoph achl C cago go 0 Ort leston RI paso and the mining of new now dexl o anti arizona spatial paid to wool v ool mild rid live stock for particulars aboia the tile rAue etl o 0 lumpa A fa eit fat t ap ely ply to 0 F warren genral agent salt alt lake cit 01 utah tile two story brick and bitone building at dale occupied by appelmann co go adapted building tor for genital gun feral purposes in emery county for lar millar terni etc ote call on or ernd ad dresti it IV crockett agent pile utah rUHN I 1 glooms ctet nince and clean 1 centrally uen trilly lu aard call on oil P 1 mirali Mir successor eor to fitzgerald AS tl coe cos sulo saloon sulon n the tl national han al already re s ly pure baked a runis number of hotnes tor for 1 it t 1 m t aber in halt alt late lat e v and will in the immediate future buy amre homei in athla vicin ity and vanus hout the state of utah than nil all other 11 and lonn curn cc bibid very abath a numb ot ut h advance ad vanc will batna be tir to to be repaid on a plan anil 11 tbt that t Is explained it iteck to tarry it into effect ilie ilia artt bahil in ahm ix truly a mutual a the mot ubern of which v III and deal fairly by one another wa no mury la Is exacted lou ou only py ny 1 ruler month while you are islam tor for aur burkan lean then we alve youcle tren tn jad x a cd v eight month months to return the iran 1 at 13 S 40 10 per month mouth call at our out omee and anti at t IM to the plan to you eoe r 6 11 reply cal addre m ifil 1 aa A So donatia natia houe e Q 7 1 falper utah flit jeweler does ull all bluds of hatch n on abort short notice of trade conditions at suit salt lale city duns review of last saturday 81 bays tys summer quietude pre prevails valls in inest lines in tilie this market though trudo trade Is fairly good forthe for the season nod and a few houses tire are shipping fall orders A satisfactory trade la Is hud had in groceries druga drugs and hardware and a amount of railroad con Bt ruction work helps business in a number of lines fl trade la Is still quit quiet with collections only fair bank bunk deposits ho boeer hou eer ewer bold up well with but a moderate mode rute demand denand for money rig signature nature Is 1 va a every box of the th laxative bromo the ehst burm a cold ta an one lay day 1 44 4 4 4 CROWLEYS 4 4 j Y j 4 4 4 4 4 f AND TAILOR SHOP 4 4 UTAH 4 4 steam and dry cleaning 4 4 4 cluing 0 cleaned gleamed ajel pressed and repaired us a trial order 4 4 roam small and let us as show 4 4 quality of work moderate prices 4 A kante Neel dents of price castle gate and 4 surround mic towns drop top ut a yiota 4 caril card we ve will all kave atin tt in of work and delfger same when lini finished shed 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 THOMAS C 2 D I 1 lawyer PRICE UTAH omer at t court home house milli I 1 RUMMAGE RU M I 1 AGE SALE Vs JL 31 Hum main here means adjust adjusting inc stock P cle clearing arini up lots that are broken closing out seasonable goods in in season getting in shape for fall trade etc to accomplish our object we have made low very low prices determined that bothi nothing no za shall be left over to take up room when the new stock for fall and winter arrives there is in the stock a choice line of straw hats flats mens and boys furnishings clothing dress goods notions underwear for men and women and a hundred other items nothing aside from staple groceries and provisions are reserved in this great bargain giving sale july is supposed to be a dull month but it at this store since this sale was inaugurated inal id wasatch store company com an Y SUNNYSIDE UTAH the utah nevada evada 11 express co FOUR HORSE COACHES BETWEEN PRICE AND VERNAL AND POINTS miles kfare S fare E bag 18 price to soldier ic 36 to oti arper too ic 44 w to brocks ac 61 to LUU ba ac 81 1 to tg 0 bridge 11 12 0 0 5 ae 95 to ft one 1000 ac lo 10 H way J 1700 31 3 12 1 2 to vernal 1250 1800 31 3 12 1 2 miles S kfare fare R trip E bag 14 vernal to H way ic 58 28 to ft 0 ic 10 42 to 0 me ac 62 to wells ac 79 to brocks 1200 ac 87 1 to harper 1350 ac to soldier 1050 1600 3 31 12 1 2 1 to price 1250 1800 3 31 12 1 2 between way stations per mile joc round wild trip extra bag ic 20 miles or less free huggare ulku afef 40 pounds Io unde price mice to viell V 4 ft Du ohene vernal vornal and nd inter med litte pola iii onelli to st 3 1 abst csc orr or ot r avin 1 to 55 ibs do over I 1 i lb t li 1 jim 1 me uter oler ft 6 ibi lb F ault Veye vegetables tables hut but ter meat 2 21 selb in ull eues cw jc price to and point one if go J I 1 11 b 20 over sat 1 to 1 lb 4 ao 30 oter ottri i t to IS 11 I 1 bs buc oter f I 1 lh per ih knitt f nah me tt lc ilic ib minimum in 16 miles 11 ll vernal VeTnal tolt to ft duchesne and intermediate point points one ib lb to 3 31 1 iti 4 e over 3 1 1159 9 to 59 9 ISO 20 over fit 1 lbs to IS lb 4 over 15 1 S 30 e S special kate late I 1 mutter matter le MI minimum in all caws cuse ti a vernal to duchene Duc hn firl dice price and ate points one lb to at 31 lbs SM over vi 14 11 iam to a t 1 iba 0 over ls lbs 1 to IS 1 abl ma I 1 b 4 u per lb 1 11 special a 1 ilaf list I 1 matter ikc 2 per lb minimum u m in all caeg 0 C RIGGLE THE HARNESS MAN una ila tho agency for dr a veterinary Troy lors mexican liniment absorbent alist blister cr Trey lors antiseptic salve colic drench t s veterinary condition powders tray ors terill re rations are reined leot the most charac 1 11 disc jhc thc iro aro repair work of all kink quickly and ani neatly done and at moderate prices job printing we know how it should be done we are up to date The Advocate office |