Show curious discovery of coins at nottingham england in 1880 a remarkable discovery of coins was made which I 1 le intimately connected with a cassago in the continuation of florence of chronicle recording what seems to be the very incident which explains the loss of the treasure A peculiar feature of this nottingham find la is that all the coins have been subjected to intense beat heat and are blistered and co led jed by tire they were ere found in the basement la of an old building during dur ng excavations for enlarged cellarage and mostly belong to tho the reign rel n of king stephen tho chronicler after detailing tle cae sud den attack upon nottingham by the earl of gloucester in 1141 relates that a wealthy to ansman was made prisoner and compelled to give up his money he lie conducted the plunderers to hia his cellar and while they were engaged in breaking open doors and locks he contrived con tried to make his escape locked them all in and set fire to his house it Is reported that thirty men in tho cellar perished in the flames london athenaeum |