Show A AN N ORDINANCE defining and providing for the 1 punishment ln nt tf persons maintaining a nuisance in price town section I 1 be it odil ned by the r r ol i vind 1 t henril of tr tant c of atlee town that it shall be unlawful ver cr nv inv pernon person to domn it mune koep ko ep maint or permit any nul ance jn in price lowr as herein dPn fl I 1 fee J 1 tb follo tin nj are hereby ailt d larel ti t be nuisance nuisances one auy h eats em ta or nu iny ful 1 or unhealthy nr mor rr r r effla aa a in the n whre wh re hey they ebirt two all nf iemola re eltha houra hours after derth three all eo foul or water all felti bettio ret or offal dihins aliat liat n outs or at herIst or afif tn in or uon u on any tet aretta em anik lly ditch ou 00 8 AN cr trim baue o 0 4 anal tanal t cutter gutter arant lot public en closure at 01 pool 0 of water aery ariy privy ault or water closet which shall be found to bi bt in an or leaking condition or any condition to the public health of fitce pi ice town cheah fie all asheh clops nith excrement m I 1 nt pat dust rocke rock dirt blush b ush tra ih rubbish manure afdal M ante paper chamber lye broken ware wares rigs old iron or amny mothr metal le tal nil all animal or vegetable matter all al 1 davad e ad animal antin alq or nn an other offen tv v or dangerous substance thrown ic acl L or df deposited or calmed caused to be thrown lett or deposited by anyone in or upon any catreet avenue ulley alley sidewalk w al k park public enclosure ditth ditch canal aqueduct or avant lot six any person who shall keep named limit without a permit irom the board of health carry or from one building to another any heinon wf of acted with such contagious dt dl alire spare ire nor shall uny person afflicted with tuch contagious contag loua unease disease or liable to am muni cate or spread the cintalon con talon thereof be shipped or remodel bioni price town to any town or place tX pt under the charge and direction f the board of health and nith proper le cautions cau tlona against the spread of the can dagion bee 8 physicians TO REPORT PORT CASKS CASES OF contagious DISEASES it halt shall bo be the duty of every or other person caring top for the eick sick in town to make malce a report tto ft the local board of health immediately after belh pei son become becomes amire aare of the ex istance of any case come of scarlet fever diphtheria hooping cough or r typhoid fever in hie his or her charge shoud additional cases occur in ap ame arne family they hall shall be rb ported in t alie he same manner as the drat case und and in case buch such prison shall tall fall to so lo 10 jort in twenty menty four houie eald said beraun hall shall be b deemed guilty of a misdemeanor see 9 PLACE WHERE CASE OF contagious DISEASE TO BL the pise wherein any or are located hav ing any of the disease diseases mentioned in section S of these bulei iu except typhoid fever ever and whooping cough ahall shall hae displayed dia disola thereof a yellow hag flag upon which ie Is printed in plain black letters the name of the disease which exists therein sec see 10 TIME or quarantine the quarantine tag flag shall be allot allowed Ned to remain at least twenty one days a after scarlet fever aver or and fourteen days after diphtheria te to first reported and it hall shall be unit ful for any person or persons to remove oi 01 interfere Inter ture in any way eulth said flag NIt without hout blon from the board of health jn cast of death the biag shall remain for a period of not fesq 1 tuan titan seren days and longer the board of health la to that all proper maans have been bleen employed employ ed for preventing the spread of contagion every person hav ing whoop lne cough shall be quinin tined in ery the same as in carlet feer or ae as described heidin sec 11 quarantine regulations no pei son ho la Is or who ha has been affected alth any of the diseases hatred in tit section 8 of these rule rules anil anti regulations regulA tlona except typhoid fever ahall shall be permitted to leave leae the house in he or ehe she re nor be nearer than thirty tet of any person other than the under quarantine at the I 1 I 1 ame place without a written permit f from rom the coard of health and no per eon loon residing real dinc or lodging in a house wherein auch much disease dlee aa in 1 present W be permitted to leave the house without a written permit from the hoard board of health twenty one day must have elainee after the quarantine lne has been removed froni from the place wherein herein scar carlet feer or smallpox and fourteen daya jay wherein herein diphtheria haa has existed before I 1 ix permit to attend dhoot will be trait grant 4 he vernon who ho aai affected with the disease other bemons resh reading ling I 1 baure caure allon or permit any premlata prem liven occupied by him or under his hi control any horce horses cattle sheep or hogs in a pen or any other enclosure so that an offensive offen alve din disagreeable or noxious smell or odor shall arise to the injury annoyance or inconvenience lt to the neighborhood cherf thereof of fri 3 ary act dune done permitted allowed or continued til any aro property erty private or public by any person or cortor corporation it atlon their ai or se erv mants unta tn to the damage or injury of any of the of price toun and not lie lies ein before shall be deemed a nuisance gee 4 kny k ny person who shall vio io we act fall or to to comply with ith any of the pro ismons of chiq thi at di nance or who wilf Il uly fully omits to perform nair of he dullea julies renting to the tomo at a of any nul nuit rame tante shall be d didd pined gulit of an otten often and shall I 1 fined in tit uny sum less vs than or 1 I imprisonment in tn the to town n jail not to 0 I 1 three month ed ea L n a I 1 a es of co conviction und r chent er it shall r eer to the t tion of the court I 1 it t tho the nu julance corny lainca of exists r th time tim of wn can lotion letton he ball in t dit on to the at n ty im m used make o oer dire ong tl otte e to yn marhal ir rw alth ith eico r 0 t be rei roi t v ad P rj I 1 nuisance 1 and i wt ort h b x e I 1 ch b mim saint to the ft bo a hn i 1 1 asre 1 at against t df d biant n i ont wint of sur h t 1 ex it aci 1 0 1 ins which I 1 1 I t 1 I ir or inee tines c L thlin I 1 LR ta e 0 e t i I 1 in nd aitta its ii and due publication by the president pr pros ident and board of trustees teea of price to ton n carbon county utah thim till ath day of august 1902 and 01 tiered published llE G WILLER ILLEn uI seal seat Preil dent attest A XV V 1 to town n clrk clork |