Show gets cadetship congressman sutherland last friday nominated nomina eugene jr of costle gat to fill the cadet ship frum utah at tho tile west polut point military joseph aa M howell e of wellsville wua wits guined aa as aulter nate will be he entitled to enter the aca deuty next jnue julle subject to the entrance t and lu lit the tent event of fallert fal lurt rp the alternate will succeed him under like conditions condit iuna A year ear ngo ago lust last a cout compete ped the tte examination was held of bundi dates fur for the cadetship appointment and clarence carls of st george scored the highest Sunt being alternate and holl next in order of merit kloever IIo wever before the mout was wai ciulo cadet tedford was from the aca academy denty for a for hazing and tit thia Is anas declared declai wl to leave no vacancy to fill from front butali in tho tile meantime jarvis based the uge age limit und and a ft new now nom wae was necess without requiring a pio plo examination from iii dilutes of a a bear ago |