Show it V we are authorized to announce W it FRYN of ill irice C me a candidate to the office of county attorney of ca carbon abon coun county ty subject t to the in ai t alun on of the republican county convention we are authorized to announce J 1 W LOOP LOOF IOU ItOW ni f price as a candidate for re cleo elec lion tion to the loftice oi of tre treasurer usurer of carbon county subject to the notion action of the loufty tho dolt in bs business illes puite lili ill the wl mort mor thant the newspapers ta to do hia tits puff puffing ing the fellow who is ii spoiling polling for a fight light Is generally be full fole ft seth ts in miss van alens wedding was the papers say ed with the tile usual newport pomp 1 from anity infer that clelo wore were no monkey guests miss Mury cerf the st louis girl whom captain hobson recently recently y rescued in eighteen of autor A uter is if said aid to bo be a at thank heaven mile li la 1 not a it lestiner lec tiner mrs nation says sho title would its soon aisi it spittoon ag it inan iho lio uses tobacco thoro there ie Is a chance for carrie und and the tobar co eners to be satisfied and the spittoon la Is it Is eald said that tile futher of john junies ingalls Ingi ills ili hist st showed the feesl baitty of houting ting houses by ills ali eon son used to the hel bellitte iM lItte up tit once lu IU it whilo himself elf the nace of a latex works system forthe tofu tovu of price has hu no noer er aten to forcibly tho peaple as tile tow few weeks hen y have havo lie felt tile need of water toi foi unit nary and drinking the move inove inide by the tho toti n 11 luet monday even lug looking towards the tile construction of a in coli colinea tion with is 11 gravity system will meet with tho the ul proad of nino the und if D H moffatt thus the tile policy of ills tiow road N lien and in thoro will be but one policy and id from froni that policy anere vilt v bello be no deviation 10 latton I 1 u in going to treat the patron ol 01 0 the railroad ili it the san saine 0 may us its the la Is taken aie tile of I 1 a mu not lot going to haul a a it butk balk of 0 pota loea cheaper for my iny f fil t eiula than I 1 am for thu tho flit finein lilt r who his hi ono one sack stick over the tile road no N favoritism and one charge to all till will be the rule boom your town and unit never noer forat to sauil well of 0 it make it an lilt at lit plate improve bour curlit olka und and do our shale keeping keeling the tile st streets leets and pavements in kod good condition o 0 the tho men who go in furu it do to nil sill on oil can call to usaa them thein talk allt the s of our toli let the tile it be any silly take caro of thorns lvcy i I 1 in it thlu ni vay ity and this way only will 3 ou oil be it ben tilt and unit a it blessing ble saing to our 0 u to it then Is astl I 1 s mole mote loom ioma for llie tile t otera it g and lisa kt room fur for the d si biale kicker salt lakas harld Iler tild of tuesday hit hah this tills bit of go golip sole tary hetsun of tile tato lias lins jurat jait i fl from kellk a 1 sim enill eto county while aw I 1 if liu lic client 1 i a it lot tit f st in lit atif I 1 ini it itt Attori attorney ie W D 1 liv lit lugton fj foi thu nal 0 aoi vho aho are 61 14 to the stitt convention Itlo salt to t i thrust ihu tho ord it upon imn till 0 is 1113 lit A S fit ot ito 3 son 11 en though juda julin on hus hits to tl ta I 1 gileel in lit the til rm v for the sul irrine 1 asuit feic fi ic mcculty liv ing atoll links ito 11 id sup aupp loutt tiit in ill nel toil biml the 3 ottlig at 3 Is I 1 liable to inive hite to tu hing 1110 III fl hum 4 ulli P to tua it posit positron lon of a ifill r |