Show another branch railroad Surveyor ii in lit tho employ cf ef tin tile RIO 1 grancio grande western irn ruil ond and tho valley coal company have computed a pie lino line for a r up ill spring canyon Cati yon diloro the tile coul coal has tor sonic time been figuring on putting in a camp iho lite unc line brit LiCheS off tile bunin allitt it t and hou hlll ill bu bo nine fiffles id lit length the tha axer for tho the new it camp will iw ie epli printed by build hig ian exten Jun of the tile castlo onto gate isteni ay stem over or around tho huh 4 the tito coul comp tiny pany 14 ilkay to ulso iti ju soon be ope in lit willow cleek anon kt ef eliy ulley tit alio lan r clint 4 me time ago adopted tho the plan of f putting it ting up ill honey bony in gallon and half gallon cana andre und talling it tho plan ani worked er and this flain ims fills thus diepold diep omd 0 of of of the pure whito white hoi hot for alth ulah emery county 19 f sint since e A cooky cooley adolt ila Ill ethod JOW cin itani ped he ile owners canico liao hen liell li h en ell lel tl by I 1 anbry 11 o 4 sitio it I 1 pd d J it I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 th u 4 ba I 1 maa I 1 N 0 to tl AP i of A emerys lio hw is IP ir alili L 0 or ax ne t mp ix 40 it it viollt pa r n hip hap for 0 I 1 ll 11 r lit 0 uirt I 1 it ii I 1 cot iu inpUt ilk |