Show isusi impei happening happenings I 1 kimn 10 OF CHICAGO MERCHANT M Flothe child kills himself oham A tn in fit of despon despondency dency h I 1 rothschild millionaire a alam ks S president ot of A M former sd committed suicide at chicago child J co lest eek insomnia ua from ove overwork rork indirectly ir death alway always a bard worker he was obliged t to 0 retire from business on account of III bedith I 1 last t mey ity me y since then he had teen suffering from the disease which was tho the indirect cause ot of his tragic act friends and relatives believe that he be was temporarily deranged that la is t only explanation offered s a tiou of the suicide the merchant was prosperous and happy in all of his rela eions he was recognized as one ot of chi rago a s self made men he was born in the tillage village of germany in 1153 aa december mr rothschild vas married his ills wife was misa miss gusta morris daughter of the chicago picker and Af melville elville nelson rothschild li Is the one child of the union CHIDE CRIDE OF A vanderbilt miss nits kathleen neilson to wed the heir to the formal announcement of the engagement ga of reginald vanderbilt and silas liss kathleen nellson Is expected goon by friends of the young couple it Is said the announcement has bean solely because it was desired by the vanderbilt family that tho the young man graduate from yale first he Is already in possession of the 12 2 NO left him by his father MISI bi nellson neilson Is one of the most beautiful girls in society she Is 20 several 1 years ago the devotion of reg gilld 1 I vanderbilt to her was the sub etaf af in newport and new borle w of late mr vanderbilt has made frequent anent visits from yale to take miss soa out driving and eacott her to bial caal functions ills Nell son sori Is tall and graceful alta a beautifully modeled expressive diee e a wealth of light brown hair and dazzling complexion she possesses she Is a niece 01 frederick gebhard and her sister ahw arthur kemp P she was the S ledged leue belle ot of the tb season in velch i the she made her debut do 0 o the dying eying never weep are stood by tho the bedside of old u of dying people pp ap sald said an physician PhY lician n at topeka 0 I 1 tilt la recently and tel yet to see a dying ald person shed bystanders no 1 matter what the brief grief of 3 may be the ron will show no signs 8 ot of over lowering st enic havo have 4 de of seen a dr cir in hi t mother zed chi dren around aroun a dy aha a botner who la in health have 0 been touched ly im signs to the quick 0 f grief in 10 a child yet sho she th 23 cal m and emotional unemotional aa as cg she 8 had aber ire is been cn maile mail ot of stone U some strange and ca to olAI panis I cal al change which ac t is irell known 1111 act of dissolution it lain disappears dk to ul that boac tny as th ule e end BP ap and nature 11 1 seems to hav have 1 ed za so that at trend mental po peace shall kent end our laal au lingering 1 mo |