Show MINT mr I 1 N T SALOON J JM MM MILLER ILLER prop fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest a cigars private club rooms in connection hay grain and Sta stabling blind COLTON UTAH 1 the mint hint helper utah herman eckstein place an ideal resort to spend a few leisure moments everything ahi i ng good to smoke and drink nothing Noth liiK but the cr er beet best of goods ilia special attention given to the bottle and gallon tride tr ide MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT LAW SCOFIELD 0 0 0 0 z UTAH F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT LAW castle dale utah will practice in all the court courts in nil all civil cases MInin sr irrigation irti gation and probate matters given especial attention W D livingston INGSTON LtV 7 WYER KA UTAH water and mining litigation at clan on special attention land matter matters collection all legal 11 bus business iners riven given prompt attention practices in all the courts E F fa FISK M D physician im and surgeon PRICE UTAH chic four doors west of he flit post po office R A KIRKER M E examinations and reports on mines especial attention given giver to hydro car bon pro perica perles in eastern utah and west ern colorado Ioe tonice lice addresses price Surin cisco and grand junction colorado 2 trains day each way every ogden and denver demer via the colorado midland railway the rhe finest mountain scenery in he the world eastbound coyote kan xan city schedule loress chicago no 0 6 lim no I 1 lif le bogde 7 5 am 7 IS ana L lr V salt 1 lake 8 30 am 1 20 2 pra i IL provo am 9 v le 9 55 am 9 LV V 1 I at june junc 10 23 25 am 1915 ani lv ly price 1 22 pm 11 OS am LV grand 9 23 25 pm 6 15 sim ar glenwood Ol enwood sags 9 22 arn 8 49 oam ahl ar aspen IDY 1055 ID 10 55 Y pm 10 warn 30 am ar leadville 1 35 am I 1 X pm ar aluena vieta vista 2 13 15 1 1 45 ani ar cripple creek 10 SS am ar manitou Stanl tou 6 W am 6 55 pin 1 ar colorado sags 6 30 am 6 LI pm ar denver 9 30 am a both trains carry elegant standard drull pullman sleepers elec pere between ogden and denver our chair can cars are new and of the latent pattern being provided ded with all modern conveniences the colorado midland trains are handled by the it 11 0 W V ily ity between ogden and grand junction connecting with all aral train of the 0 4 8 1 L and 8 S 11 rr from the north art h and went vest nailing making direct connection tion at colorado springs denver and pueblo puebla with all allne for points north east ind buth write writ e u ue 15 for further particulars we wo will be glad to arrange itinerary for your W 11 II DONNELL general agent southwest south vet temple street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |