Show RAILROAD DISCUSS discus 8 RATES WITH FARMER president hill makes a loc davenport washingto n MH at meen alo also talla tall talt a and d say bay p clan clans work the farmer farmers a and nd tb TI try to wark the railroads spokane aug S 5 preg pres J J hill of the tile great G rt at Isor nortee thern ra dett ra may ami and tle northern securities bitle o 0 pany made a speech to he farri barriers ers q f daenport da yesterday the occasion was as unlue unique in the h tor for of american railroading ralli cading blitte S railway presidents in I 1 e espouse to mitlon from the lea leading dilIZ farmer et til the lit big bend country countr 3 had the county baat of Ilu cold hear bear their case their own county idle i to cn and huttt render judgment they p y I 1 es r jumes james J president C tin the dortht rn pacific and L mohler of tile oregon oreon tut A lines fill ot of the harriman Harri inan I 1 IT tern tem with aluni were more a lessee lesser rall rold notables 4 1 group addresses of mere ere dell dellvon by the thru art then thell adjournment taken to the innon chere here nn old country dinner ands aa to the reihn gusts and sergej aror the surrounding country the diesl dents catered heartel he artil into the pit of the 0 caslon occasion mr deposited his hat bat chair remarked ked he lie lud had bot not 11 hini self so thoroughly in 1 many I 1 day and rubbed elbows t abon a falth ith a allt grower grouer from the E country mil at iother froin from the cedar canon eamil after dinner hundreds of people gathered Ka around the raJ liay prel preil dents shaking hands nod nd listening to 19 spirited discussions 1 talked farming and stock raising mr mellen elaborated on hi ill pre loua louv announcement of a ley brinch road ind and mr spoke of t the immigration of the Ilar roads mr opened by braying I 1 lia getting to be an old man I 1 li hive alre ri rot many airs to lle the if I 1 aill lit I 1 have set out to do must move inove with As well mell attempt to set a broken limb by statutes na as to adjust rate rates you can legislate until the barn flon rot on off the best thing to do m to act sa a a oil lia hae liae e here with the we hlll III fr tri to act in such a way may that ou on will mill realize stint t bat we me are dold doing something fall and in good falta what 3 ou ott v want ant Is the highest prie from an store you want N ant a wv neu mar ket let you must make a inai kt lon m must make boic people ue we your stuff statesmen 1 iiii tell us how bow to i do this but they get a for doing so I 1 cannot find in pubic acts one intelligent thing that ibar 1 have done to got get new in I 1 dont dout knor any place where aou ou bite litte not been left to elifet for auwin 31 farmer farmers ion hae haie crops thit wit th it beep keep ou on bit four months in the year you yon bant n ant to do something the rest of e the time bt bo odes whittling or holdin holding down a nail keg leg what you yea shou ildo ly 14 to ralise raise stock roots forage there Is I 1 nothing beter tinn raising block delegates were mere present from 40 kane lane steea whitman and uncles counties un lles representing a it region w it la 19 e intimated may harvest bushels bushe lei of sheat tills this var at tle the morning conference the prin a cipal feature was the announcement of president mellen that aftin consul with mith Il president resident the north ern pacific had lind ordered the buil din 1 I of a railway from the terminus of tee the central washington at coulee city CRY t to adrian oil on the tile ireat great northern about 0 cot 11 the C allies south 3 iiii cut on off xellis lu the haul to the coat the estimated cost of thia this railway Is ZO which president mellen df tl ires la Is a gift to the people of bt alend as the road gos gots through a ct ren ten country it Is s thought it may oe be completed br no november 1003 lr IP his speech Prem president ident mellen s kalil ild the whole rate fabric 1 Is like a card house we can do nothing her here 1 out doln doing something at tit other points IN e are nil bound to gain boinet bin by the spirit in lit which oil cilton tb conference ton ference coming to us not hy by a lr w bo ho work ork jw you and then try to work ua but bat sou wort work with etli us as allies and thu thus i fruze our out tile |