Show mr shores to come back C W shores iclal cial bugl agent dt of the tile arto grande u ho retailed jan a and aub sub clit cled tile employ of the Colo iddo indo midland is to leguin to tile illo civico at tit ail an carly date sudi Is tho tion given ghan out b by the deseret ne news while 11 till II knowledge or such it chango ift if detill ol locally it Is asserted ami asher ard shores wua a month ago that mr welby wil 4 to itar nud id it AIL 4 tu in to time thill tilt aitio grande could bo be rind glad of his fits at all vurl butr it will le be 41 tint at nt the tile time of the resignation of tha see lt servia nian lust inter it iw current gossip tha mr shore i and mr welby hud I 1 anu sonic now that mr aby ilus UH holdred MA ills hi connection with the tile road the donok I 1 ex exist I 1 t |