Show oil at grand junction the oil company composed of local people which has been it veil vell on the aage of the townsite town sito nc at grand 1 callI junction last saturday bight ut lit n depth of three hundred feet en count erod a fine white sand which the drill penetrated to the depth of over twenty feet this sand yielded a good hew flow of ix Aro leuin and the flow in gun gan aue tar far in excess of tiny yet secured in the many wella wells eunk sunk thero there the tile townspeople regard this strike it most important one all and the owners them eelon nio are ni o jubilant the tile oil is 14 of the heavy green kind and Is 1 said to be valuable abie thie tills I 1 second mell ell stink by thi this con which has been boring for gas only v ith which to supply tho the town for heating lind and lighting |