Show wr LATE washington NEWS AND governmental proceedings the interior department has tins been notified that the supplemental treaty with the cieck indians of indian terri torr by 4 juno june last was by thu the arck indian council on july by br order of lieutenant general miles commanding the tile army chaplains hereafter are required to include in their monthly reports a statement of all births marrI marriages ares baptisms and deaths occurring in their abb stations probably the latt chance the dary department had to secure a or naval station in havana harbor was lost by the action of the cuban cabinet in authorizing the leise of the arsenal grounds this was the site oc of the projected daval naval station commander charles 11 perkins now on duty with the naval war college has been assigned to comin command titia tho the cruiser philadelphia ho ile will succeed the life captain who died while his ship was en route to sau san francisco from the isthmus A new army post to be constructed at monterey Mont crey will mill cost owing to the excellent sanitary situation the monterey Mont crey post will be used as a rs station tation for soldiers returning from front hard bard service in the philippines and for convalescents the navy department has extended the time for the completion of the seven submarine boats authorized by the naval appropriation act of 1899 from two tuo to seven months this Is the second exten extension rion 0 of timo time that has been granted five of the boat boats arc are building at Ellzabeth port new jersey by the nixon company and two at the union iron works san francisco Franc laco no question will bo be raised to prevent tho acceptance by the officers of 0 the army and navy of the mementos bestowed by prince henry in appreciation for courtesies received by him in during the american tour the souvenirs eairs which ho he gae gaie are not to looked upon as gifts bestowed by tt it foreign ruler within the of the con but as merely tokens of personal esteem and appreciation commissioner general of immigration sargent has sent to immigration tion official throughout the country photograph i of anarchists who have been exPel expelled ltd from turkey and who are bellei cd ed to be on their way to this country accompanying the photographs from the commissioner were instructions for immigration ls to investigate the charges against the anarchists and nod it if they were correct to return the men it la Ls learned that the cuban government went ment a little farther in general braggs case than wa was understood at first it not only made inquiry as to the accuracy of tho tta quotation reflecting on the cubans but complained of the consul generals criticism the papers in the cavo are still before the president at oyster bay day but bm some action Is expected soon diner in the way of recalling tho th consul general or transferring bm to some other post if a suitable file A aie can be found th insular bureau of the war department p part A rt to ment ent has cabled to 31 manila atilla for all the captured insurgent records corde re these with the records also in poA possession session of the bureau arc are to be compiled complied by captain T X II 11 31 taa tailor for fourteenth infantry mho ho translated any of the documents machts captured aror the compilation will mill mice a record of the insurrection the united states As the mork ork aes it may be extended to include the main features of the filipino insurrection against the spaniards in A letter has been tec received elved at the war department from the governor of kaunas r plying tying lint that the entire national guard of that state mill bo be mobilized at fort riley kansas the latter part of september for the purpose of participating in the proposed exten extensive sivo maneuvers of the tile regular army so far kansas nations la Is the only state which has accepted the formal invitation of the war department to participate and the indications tire that flint the few states at yit t to be heard from will decline on tho the ground of lack mr funds the war department referred the order containing the 11 presidents residents amnesty proclamation of july ath to the navy department especially inviting attention to the filipino prisoners in guam A reply line tins been received from the navy department baying paying that the governor of guam L 1 until will mill be notified of the Preel dente den t s and the prisoners sonere Ye Vel cased to any war department transport authorized to return them to the philippines one of the army transports will be sent to manila by way of guam and all of the prisoners who take the oath of allegiance biance to the united state states will mill be re turid to the philippine islands it Is to within the bound bounds of probability that the issue which has arisen between the powers interested in china as to the medium on which the in enmities arp are to be paid mere ere settled by reference to the tile hague tribunal china mas as one of tho the original signa tories to the hague convention and Is therefore in a position to demand a reference of this question and if it the chinese demand la Is oreid as it will be by the united states stater Flig figland land and japan with ith reaps p ri ler ermany many there Is every reason to believe that there will be afforded an opportunity to test the utility of the ilag hague lie tribunal ou a great lesue issue j the liar ar department nis N is been notified of the death of sinford S G daker a clerk in the insul it service at manth who bo died on the instant of asiatic cholera judge outcalt of cincinnati a form er law partner of senator boraker lo raker will mill appear before the commissioner 0 of f internal revenue to argue a point that will bac hake an important hearing in the tile enforcement of the law relating to t the h e manufacture and sale of rine the commissioner has bas recently ruled that oleomargarine had hail been colored to any tiny shade of yellow by the use of butter comes under the head of colored oleo and Is subject to r tax of 10 cent per pound this contention jude outcalt will com combat fat lie babi already filed a brief in which he urges that as yellow Is the natural color of butter when it Is used in oco oleo it Is not within the province of the commissioner of internal reve revenue nur to hold that an artificial coloring matter has tins been used investigation ti that have been nen made by the oCl clala of the In revenue Il evenue department part ment show that oleo can be given a very cry good shade of yellow by the use of about one pound of rich yellow ellow butter to ten pounds of olto olvo the monthly statement of tho the national debt ahoi s that at the close of business july 31 1902 the debt lesa less caba in the treasury amounted to which Is an increase is compared with july of this increase Is accounted for by the reduction in the amount of cash on hand the debt Is recapitulated as follows interest bearing debt debt on which interest has ceased since maturity debt bearing no interest total 1327 88 1000 this amount however doea does not include in certificates and treasury notes ont outstanding standing which arc are by an aquil amount of cash on band hand held for their redemption the cash cast in the treasury la Is classified ns As follows gold reserve fund trist fund gc general erl fund including in national bank bant depositories repositories deposit ories to t tah against again st which there are demand ilabel liabilities atles outstanding amounting to 9 leaving a R cash balance on hand of it N said in washington that the commercial treaty between grent great britain and china approved appi oved at a conference at tho the london foreign office Is to serve ae As a bittern for similar ire treaties astles to be negotiated by the other powers with china the revision which great britain proposed to china in la the trade treaty it is said extends to nearly every point in which the united states Is 1 interested from the registration and protection of trade marks marko the creation of a national lonal currency and the extension of the bonded warehouse system tc to the reform of the shanghai mixed court and the abolition of all internal taxation whether native or foreign or for import or export if the provisions which will be embodied in the british treaty as it Is finally concluded meet the views and labes of this government the united states may accept under the most favored nation clause but if the re by greit britain fall short of this governments go expectations then the united states may push separate pirate se and an d conclude a treaty of its own united states ambassador clayton at mexico has succeeded in securing restitution on one of the largest embezzlement bezz lement cases before the mexican state department some time ago james brown potter representing large american and english interests in the mining company of mexico appealed to the state donalt ment for justice claiming that by a fraudulent conspiracy some of the directors of the company compan bad embezzled funda funds to the amount of over 2 this it was charp el was accomplished by packed elections and the bestowal of illegal powers upon one of the directors of the com piny the tile fact that some sonic inferior an were involved in the conspiracy made it almost impossible to obtain justice by the ordinary methods the state department D part ment referred the case to ambar clayton and he brought jt it to the attention of the Mex lenn covern government ment and pressed it eo so vigorously he 3 now able to report that the conspirators have been obliged to disgorge all of tha the money and securities they had obtained by their fraudulent operations the action of general chaffee in reprimanding captain frederic S wild thirteenth infantry upon the sentence of a court martial loo been received at the war department captain wild wins as in coi coin mand nt at an nil where a cockpit was burned two tuo soldiers of the commission cen een previously stabbed in the cocle it was understood that the cockpit was burned by the soldiers in revenge it nas brought out in the testimony that captain wild bad had been beta requested by the ciati authorities auth to place a guard over the property after the first attack and failed to do so and a cecon I 1 attempt at burning resulted in ip its destruction general chaffee Chaff ce in fr carrying carr carri ing iu lu the sentelle sent enLe e of the tile court eald ill n ni for this trial Is based on the intuition Int ution to accentuate to to the tile accused aecus ed that the ex hitIng order to give complete and anti unqualified support to all nil bran branchle clim re of the ivil government in these islands island must be co complied with will and to show by CIAMPI example 1 that nothing short of such support will b ix accepted from officers on duty I 1 lathas is div lalo t |