Show persons places and 1 things J FOR fon READING AT NIGHT special bed beds provided with electric bulbe bulbs t headboard speaking of new things there in I 1 a french bedstead which provides for the individual andi bidual who reada reads after going to bed or during wakeful m hours in tho the night there are single iron beds and in the top of the rather high head Is set an electric light A readi reading tig desk ie Is attached to a bar which crosses the head of the bedstead and can bo be raised above it when required there are disadvantages to this light which must shine in tho the eyes as well as on the book or paper better arrangements are made in some of our big hotels there Is ar ranged at one side of the bed an arm with an electric light attached which can cz be pulled over the bed at the will of the occupant and Is below the eyes though quite high enough for the light to fall upon the book the top of the electric light globe Is covered with a dark green shade and none of the light can go up ROYAL PAIR TO MARRY prince arthur of connaught and PH ri cess beatrice betrothed prince arthur of connaught and princess beatrice of saxe coburg and gotha whose betrothal has just buen ben announced by cable are both grand children of the late queen victoria princess beatrice Is the daughter of the late prince alfred duke of saxe coburg and gotha who was succeeded by bla his nephew the young duke of albany in 1900 she was born at eastwell eastell park in 1884 the very year that gave to the world the present ruler of the ancient saxon duchy prince arthur Is the son of the duko duke of connaught the fifth child of queen victoria his ills mother was princess louise of prussia and young arthur Is just one year older than his fiancee fl anceo W A IV re Is the heir presumptive to the throne of saxe coburg and gotha cigars one reads from time to time of tho the fabulous sums paid for cigars A favorite story Is that mr chamberlain never touches anything cheaper than a 5 shilling cigar and that every time lord rothschild smokes ten vane into the ambient an blent air accord ins ing to mr nir 1 the well known tobacco merchant all such stories are the purest As far as more quality of tobacco nes the me bea beat cigar in the world orld cu cra im L purchased for I 1 shilling sixpence and anyone who gives more than this sum Is paying for size shape or for some Pe pecullar callar brand which Is only valuable for its rarity and not for its excellence those torpedo like cigars one sees in tobacconists windows in cased in n glaw sheaths sheathe are mainly traps to catch the unwary the moat most remarkable thing about Is their size and their startling variation in n price according to the locality in which they am arp sold in the west id d they are priced at anything between lt 1 and laa in the leas less glided gilded precincts of the city they are bold sold tor for ae cd apiece london f 1 claims miracle in ric picture ture 1 what annette sans of fall river bellovic bel lovis to be a miracle picture vt t chrlot a lithograph in which she says the eyes of the savior saylor ipen abd and close has caused a sensation among the french pop aloo there despite the fact that the rev raymond grolleau pastor of st annas annes church in an address before 2000 people declared that the sun supposed posed moiling men lug of eyes in a picture of christ waa was nothing more than an optical illusion j hundreds of people continue to visit the home of the sana sans houct where the litho lithograph ceaph bangs hangs on the dining room wall the cost of profanity persons with small purges should be careful to estimate the cost of profanity before indulging in it A millionaire might afford many highly seasoned oaths at at ahtty tty seven cents apiece perhaps under the statutory tariff but the more common variety of man will find and it hard if it he is to pay forty cents each for those of inferior qu quality allty the inveterate would do well to carry about with him a copy of the oath tariff and to consult it with great care whenever the forbidden desire comes upon him boston herald changes in burns cottage boma extensive changes are being mado inalle in the burns cottage at alloway scotland where the poet was as born but assurance Is given that the external appearance will not be injured and in a way the place will be made more like what it was in burns bums day for an outbuilding erected between 1805 and 1819 Is to be removed there is now an entire electric tramway running past the cottage door and a road Is being built between auld haunted kirk and the monument makes war on locut locusts during the last month there has been a novel army and a novel eu en emy MY in the cotton growing districts of central asia the locusts have been devouring everything and so great armies of chickens were driven through the fields of cotton they did their duty faithfully and well but it seemed impossible to supply them with sufficient water and they were forced to retreat the males in the Wilo majority rity in all but elever elover of the fifty two state states and les the male outnumbers the female population these eleven states arc are along the atlantic seaboard california contains the greatest excess of men the recorded number being minnesota comes second with texas third with and pennsylvania fourth with wealth of the cecils five acres of land round charing Char lna cross london are held by the mar inar quis of salisbury these acres were obtained by bis his ancestors 25 years ago for grazing land at the modest rate of 92 2 50 an acre for years what that little bargain has been worth to the cecils it would mould bo be rather difficult to ac accurately irately compute family has unique re ird the wardwell family of detroit comprises a mother and sixteen broth era and st sisters aters all resident in that city except a brother who Is in the klondike and a sister he oldest Is 75 the youngest 45 ears old there has never been a death among tho the brothers and sisters in the family appearance are Cc ct i when looking at lor strong vigorous chael 1 Is difficult to realize fra frame that once a del delicate leale lad and he sea rea for the a sake a ke of hia his health was u sent to tit bits he ile tells the sort etc A hen u r 1860 he first set ry that 1 toot loot board ship and was making au hia along he deck of H M g ough to report himself marinor he 0 verneard Ver beard a bluejacket whisper POO pool luttio chap he aint aint to t 1 loni w othar this world oric t of sure A bortels later the att grae had closed over fh seaman eaman ff but the the poor little cw chap Is very much alive still buddhists lete outnumber baptist it appears from a recent government bulletin that british columbia u has more buddhists thac baptists confucians than more Congregation congregationally alls ta and nearly as many pagans a 34 luther ana ans classified by religions there ar are members of tho the church of en ent land 6 GOC GOG baptists baptista buddhist confucians Contu clans 1147 1197 Congre congregate gati allots Lutner Lut herana and metho dests pagans rians and roman catholic Cat hollm the mormons number only faith healers 4 fire worshipers 3 Dowl elt eltes 48 edans 6 negro a credit to his race among the advanced degrees given by columbia university at the list last commencement none perhaps represented more energy and persever perseverance ante than that ot of master of arts bestowed upon moses leonard frazier Fraz ler mr frazier ii a negro he ile Is said to be tho the only one ever graduated from the school of political science of collm bla he was born in slavery la in new orleans forty two tao years ago he kie chose the business of hair bair dressing and chiropody and made money will revolutionize cotton trade egyptian cotton Is being introduced in texas and promises to revolution ize the cotton industry of the it Is much more desirable than tha tho cotton raised in the united states now and Is even e on better than the sei island cotton the egyptian Egypt an cotton has much longer fiber than other coi cot tons and its seed can be removed so 10 easily that it Is not necessary to up the cotton in ginning it was a cousin 0 of f horace greeley john W greeley a cousin ot of the founder of the new york trib ine died in londonderry N H in the dighto fourth year of his age he ile and horace greeley were born in the thi same house in amherst N H he vas ivas a member of a family of thir teen children he Is 1 survived ly by bis his widow to whom ho he had bad been mi married fifty eight years fortunes in land boom few people are aware that a tremendous land boom la Is now in progress in northwestern minnesota and the dakotas large fortune fortunes have been made by bold ape specula culaton tori oco one of whom a banker in a savi town in iowa haa has cleared about in the past twelve or fit at teen months 2000 for a college ralph voorhees the blind chlian thru of clinton N J has notified noti fiel coo collay bolig a presbyterian giov at cedar rapids mich that ha he baa has for it ho ile has also diso just closed a deal for acre acres of land in 13 south carolina on which be he will es c cablish an industrial school for boys |