Show king edward Is an accomplished politician ho lie knows how to rally if somebody would discover wireless politics what a world this might bo be berlin and rome are soon to be con nested by telephone but where will the interpreter come in when vr ari read of mine horrors like that of it makes tho the price 0 of coal seem much smaller train robbers are seeing to it that those who spend their vacation ioni i in the west get their moneys worth st josept has a mystery A faint it of eight in the city exists on 4 a week and eats cats beef once a day somebody ought to arrest the two venezuelan armies and put them in jail on a charge of disorderly conduct if la lav 0 T were really enterprising ter would invite king alfo i so of spain to its harmless bull f behta r out in iowa twelve people havo have been poisoned ned by beer this looks like a clear case of treason on tho the part of tl poisoned be latest lady of note or rather s notes to tala a young husband Is osa caneno of concert fame k auth the vars t ara determination to introduce oil into his dominions may be taken as proof that he Is to past his bis salad day days sea cooks have organized a union and they will pro probably babir send their famous sons to see the bosses in the event of trouble what the world needs just now Is a physical training course that will recognize tho the dishpan and the wood box atchison Atch lson globe tho european nations that aro ara crowding around J P morgan for the purpose ot of obtaining loans should be forced to get in line ono one of tho the financial papers says it in not harj for a oung couple to get along on IQ 10 a week especially if it their parents aro are rich Minister Min lator wu Wit has to leave us before he has quite finished his amiable task of leading the american nation into tho the paths of confucianism many a millionaire would give a good slice of lilt edge block stock to be back among tho the boys in the old swimming swim min hole these summer afternoons A woman whom thackeray once called the prettiest woman in america Is dead Ilo wever thackeray never saw any of the cot boiset set advertisement ladles ladies an oklahoma editor fired six shots stints at a man who had refused to pay 54 4 due on his subscription it takes an expert with the gun to hit bit a little thing like liko that sullivan Is the most common namo name in boston while the johnsona johnsons are most numerous nume roua in chicag 0 lets see how many Sull ivand were there in the tle mayflower A pennsylvanian Pennsyl la Is said to have eloped witt hia his mother in law when the truth of the affair comes out however it will probably be learned that ho he ft as tho the wedding present presents received by W 11 granddaughter who was married a few days ago amounted in value to it pays to marry a girl like that one of ChI cagoR rich men has hag asked to have added to the value placed upon his property by the assessors who can hereafter have IQ je neno to cay say that Is a wicked city there was a large chunk of poetic justice in that rui ay in which a horse with a docked tail ma maa 19 a bolt to escape from files tha m mans alff inhumanity had prevented it reaching in the tho natural ay that red oak old couple that mar ried against the wishes of the young couple one day and repented the next should serve as an example that in this day and generation parents should mica their children A clerk named cash absconded with a larse large sum surn of money in new york but was promptly caught it Is supposed up some detec the imply simply ca called lied his bis name nod ht lit halted in his life night flight through sheer force of habit r |