Show THE ME WEEK WEEKLY LY PANORAMA j ONLY TEN CENTS IM IN CASH credit in a day days buel finites floss amounting t to 0 the chatham national bank of new vork york a few days ago furnished a skins example of how small an rn striking amount osa of cash la is needed to transact 5 settlements ettle ments between bauls through the clearing house the bank bad a credit balance of lon joyl 1 M onest quest scents 10 cents clearances that he the bank settled that day amounted to 69 and there was only 10 cents in actual cash transferred the a small mail eat est credit balance so it la Is said that any ny new york bank has bad had in the clearing house since 1873 on this basis the cash transact transaction ip in compall gon son with the volume of the banka banks clearances amounted to the survria surprising figures ogres of per cent of 01 OUM or such buch figures are exceptional but they conch 5 vely prove the very small mail amount 0 cash that Is actu actually elly transferred in bauk clearances owing to tle clearing house system which results la in an enormous saving both in tine time and money DEATH OF FAMOUS HINDU HI swarm 1 kananda kana da had taught philosophy in america swill Viva kananda whose death in a monastery near calcutta Is announced noun ced was well known in chicago his ills expositions of hindu philosophy made him a unique figure during the world a fair congress agress co of religions he came to ok america merica as a delegate to the congress and was one of its most prom figures long after it had closed he remained in the country preaching and writing he went to new york where his indian costume and new ideas created a furore he lie returned to chicago the year ear after the con pees greas to be again welcomed this time as s a fad the swami drew great crowds to his mee meetings tingo and religious leaders were ere of the belief that he would create a cult cu with a large following if 1 be he continued his teachings were deeply philosophical and his method of expressing them clear and concise he lie was a man of great personal magnet win ism and with bla his succinct thought and language succeeded in making his in fluence felt the swami remained in america americ a until western aleas and customs palled and nd then suddenly disappeared while lre bore he was invited to the best homes nd and the women locked flocked to hear him he wrote jereral books while travel ing ng about the country and these for a une time had considerable vogue SPALDING IS FIRST CHOICE of peoria may be elevated to chicago archdiocese the right reverend adhn lancaster scalding spalding roman catholic bishop of peoria heads the list of three bishops bi ironi from whom the successor to Arch bish OP feehan in the chicago diocese will I 1 A ts arned and S bishop spalding Up alding Is 3 well a highly esteemed craded for the 70 of of ahli his his life and the liberality harcles tt views ja it Is believe bel loved ln in catholic I 1 sa 10 fae nt at the pope will elevate alm I 1 |