Show 7 national bank ank of the Rep lublic f ALT SALT LAKE CITY U S depository FRANK KNOX president capital paid pim in an GEORGE A LOWE vice president ap WW W F ADAMS cashier surplus and Profits directors frank kno aeo eo A lo 10 loe e J C Q lynch S 8 R allner ner henry phipps ritts bur G S holmes olmes II stephen hasea james A murray of or dutte butte lion thomaa thomas kearns account 0 of merchants Mtr M rc chants hants farmer and solie ted I I www W HH I 4 wa ak 4 the aane 1 senate baloon Z 1 rf NICHOLS BROS proprietors FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE OP OF old whiskies wh skies brandies alcohol and cigars special attention ulven to the gallon and five gallon trade on which we make special clail prices come inand in and fact prices which are to be 4 0 4 f 4 at rooney s place w wil be found the bet be in town to drink and moke smoke fine old kentucky whiskies eastern and salt lake city beers i bottled goods in III everything desirable in in the refreshment line I 1 plenty of time tinie while the train stops let for bryor agola your trip bottle 01 44 11 9 II I I II I 14 H I 1 0 I I W t THE TH E OASIS SALOON SAL OON HERBERT ANI MILLBURN proprietor birte finest st bine line of good whiskies 19 liquors beers and cigars in 0 aya castle valley J jug and bottle trade a specialty pool tables and all appointment appointments of a first fint class clr s house everybody made welcome 44 am ila l ri ai I M 44 I 1 OA magnolia AU d ra hall H ia CASTLE aate GATE UTAH j P A ainest allue of old whiskies mi skies wines and bottled goods that money will buy kept in stock Y california wines especially for family trade g BILLIARD ILLIARD 13 AND POOL TABLES S stranger strangers and visitors Vi titor to the great coal camp a invited to rail rall g I 1 N H THOS aff ff 0 S P MURPHY j 14 0 successor to belco M co J wholesale end and retail A S liquors L wines W ines S beer cigars and alcohol S jj seven year old stonewall whiskey 91 per pure alcohol 4 2 large barKee stock tock to elect select fro from PUIT PRICE S S special attention to wall 11 order riV iVl UTAH J 0 0 I 1 LP L T IS SALT LAKEs THIR APE I 1 CM BEST r 0 E laic R R lullen 1 I 1 PRICED HOTEL OK N ALL ALI ar LINES try it the next hext time you 0 go o S C EWING proprietor FOR MINING MEN AND STOCK MuN rates 2 a day and up OO S O 00 0 40 SO OO H t t t t t t t t t 0 t A rull FULL LINE OF 1 LEGAL 11 CIA tw II 11 4 BLANKS ij curried aerl in ill stock 0 for sole sale at al the advocate office at salt lah lam city and provo prices id V 44 tt ta aft 4 t |