Show WIT rat aspire fi to yar marioa Va 1011 1 1 public offices NO LACK OF candidates CANDIDATE each party has plenty of who arc are willing to serve the dear people it Is cannold nn old saying that one must po go a ay from home to learn tho the news the ube Ado advocate cata clips the following froin suit stilt Iler herald alil of last eastmon uon lay tho the same bearing rt it castle gate dateline Motte isare tire warming up considerably along political icat lines in arbea aurbon county tho tile would lead a 14 poison pelson to believe from their actions that they think they have it 11 cinch and ull all that Is necessary du in erder order to git a county orlim la is to get tho the nomination on tho tile republican ticket there ur ure from efroni onoto ono to three in town for each county office 1 to begin began aith sun sain has the and inore to hear bear from guy barrack and unda A E gibson for cloth and anti ie re i e SN hemphlill Hemp lill anu and wll lain hill for sheriff and J A Mar carriton riton for county commissioner at wellington IV W J tidwell ll and abe biddell liddell for assessor fesq jessen for sli criff at price D W 7 G and arthur lor for clerk and if nc corder judge frey county attorney torney ut and J IV TOW prof 0 it job joh ison aol acl prof 0 II 11 marcusen Mur cuSon superintendent of at helper jim sli criff J torn tom ritch rep at caitie bitte thomas T lamph assessor thomas W clerk nud and reander janica commissioner kd ed edwards sheriff at II 11 0 lep lee cupor of schools john o sheriff at W winter in ti r aj M storm county surveyor or john gilbert at clear creek gillun jonon clerk and ru ro corder IV 1 it ant assessor william wililam ward sheriff some cf tho the democrats who lime been mentioned aro tire na follows Represent athe 31 11 Dr braffet affet beld T J parmie winter quarters AIL rt br dr rici and leyl IT biar inon price J al bentle winter Quarters wiman cattle gate thomas alel per VA AV A thayne weilan toti clerk and recorder cordor rc HC H C smith castle gato assessor andrew young castio gate koepli A young price sheriff castle cuto QUO surveyor dan harrington sun i H M chic A M truman county attorney of emera county ulio was in tho tile city waa was a caller tit the demo derno bratle headquarters tind pam hia tits visit to 9 Salta altair lr ile aas a emery county will vilt bo democratic this ear ns US usual iho 1110 republicans are mak 10 lo in a huni hard light tight for control of tho the organization in emery emer as elsewhere andare ad uro mak making ingall all kinda of cl clairrie airris busts a Is their but mr truman raa s that when tho the otea otes are counted emery county will bo be found in ili tin the democratic column na as usual saturdays herald 11 13 II 11 McDon liala nId one une of corbon carbon rustling republic republicans ins la Is in the city on oil hh lilt way wity home to price from a three flait to hie tits old dome tn in wisconsin there la Is not I 1 the ho question about WIP wieron con in voting for fairbanks all mr Mo Donnld 1 I net riot h hundreds ot of persone while iti in the state and Ithe the la una unanimous for the president the la lit ro loilette roll ilette elte and analla follette factions both named the tile sanio same presidential president lut electors and the patty leaders say no doubt elate as a to how the will go mr madonald Mo Donald la Is a canal lute for tho the republican nomination for representative from cm cal boo bon countr he ile feels that he lie will bo be sum successful esaf ul salt lako lithe tribune lath AVIll lum am of Is a candidate lecture the county col convention nerl of the rep isilean party which convenes on tho next Sit an the nomination as slier 1 ff mr r la Is mi an old dinitz in utah a fitted toi tot the duties if f the position to which he lie and if it arll elec eleckel tel to tho the onice will anoe to prica und become it citi yen herp he ile lins lind experience 1 alio 1181 by ollice aud and would W b it ter or to evil docie docis ainna an nethe worker aorl for the tile berit beet interests of the pirty men a hill nio tile dentith d to con considers sidera tion when tho the tn ors of the part aio ate to lo 10 distributed no niala a splendid sheriff and no castale cu stake staLe to clett t delegates to chev republican county counts mention co nt tit ali fetid ld ne licit nett tt saturday tune hwe been held this thi week neek conel come llon tillon will be lie rando up tip na ns follo follows Ns eld II 11 11 earll and 11 II 0 lee anar tor j 11 chitin arid ardice gilbert castle gat gato J W V Whit whittaker taher nr dr W 11 cuffey and W lewis alel helper vr jimes rooney and dr A AJ J spring glen 0 11 II cool cook price hyrum arund ed john TJ and anti 11 II 0 mathis wellington Welling toti it r blunson ll unson sunny side willi m james A har riton ani arthur 1 gibcon clear civetz Wil lItsin r minnia lapid E C bu lao b u und and W Z editor haines of tho tile castio castle dale progress Pro giess waa last ins monda cle elected eted chairman of tho republican committee of coni county ity tile do delegates legates chosen to the tile state con contention aution tit this meeting arc george leor geH M miller 11 II 11 ottoson Osto Otto soo sou IV WJ J stol ole sorensen Soron aen it 11 curtis wiman rille ratio a and nd uius christenson tho the socialist tate conen convention tion will ivill bo be bield nt at salt stilt hikko city oil A a li wit n und tire being ando for atu hundred dele delegawl gaws the Sunn yaldo delegates lo 10 tho tile scofield convention with 1 of tho tile foi ful ordial 1 from ehlt camp go through tomorrow e ening to thu the convention tho the other precinct will RO up saturday J T M X mallard wnm wn for justice nf nt the clobert greenwood for mris constable table at tho price reply 11 on an primary int monday even evening ing sutherland aou out in primaries ethll hilo bearns knocked the th ln arra lu weber I 1 oi ot uty luty I 1 the dAe delegation gation to tho the ie ic lin etnie and judicial coin con tire J it Dif hock flock 11 II J it 8 13 collett a 11 haight J 1111 urmy E W davi i and mary R izal brits nt tit moab mont a few anye fago returning from con faroney tt tit Moot twilo sats aa the tile moah A while tho th apida ap onike about electric ind vind rill transit haw altri wid mill sad I 1 almot thu tile m it tho lie f dictor 1 I high church ninn Is I s nn s eking to improti Im til the borit por 1 d I iti tu t j dillons of th people and prep tre ire them to enjoy tho hereafter ho he is not unmindful et of that more vulgar unit V tr vr r the political field wid lt iti fiacos duac s judge jacob johnson of spring it la Is understood stood be it cun CUU didace for attorney torney nt general becote the mud g a still chuven deiv tion il issula la suld that 1114 4 candi candidacy ducy will le he supported by more than ono one hundred from southern utah county Is glen six delo gates in llie the elite wife conven tion which meets fit anbult aidt lake city on tins the ath of emory emery ten uintah seven sewn grand and san juan juau two I 1 the rw republican publican primary at eld instructed its delegates to ote nt tit the county convention coment lon only foi men who will support wells tor for governor gov go einor aery voter at the coining november election must bo be registered |