Show SWALLOWED BY QUICKSAND many bodle bodies of victim victims of wreck will never be recovered Rec evered developments indicate that the bodies of the missing victims vict laag of the wreck near eden colo have been lucked sucked into the quicksand quick and will never bo be recovered it was shown by be he hoisting ot at the wrecked engine that an immense deposit ot of quicksand lay under tho the piers of the wrecked arlego and it la in also believed there la is an underflow which has undoubtedly carried bodies deep down in the and sand entirely out oitt ot of sight eight who they can never be recovered further investigation reveals the fact that quicksand exists evera where along the river and this Is tuk uk i en to explain the failure TO find a num her of bodies careful revision of the lists ot of dead I 1 and missing confirms tho the original estimate that not less than lives avero urero lost in tho the hood flood which wrecked I 1 ho the Dilsso missouri urt fast train on th denver rio orande grande railroad neal arden sunday sundar night seventh run nw adles have been recovered |