Show VEST IS CALLED venerable missouri senator pae passes away after long lona illness after lingering for weeks between life and death former senator george graham vest of missouri passed away at sweet springs mot mo on cm tuesday he ile had been so near death for the past three days that the eal tame came without a struggle he ile was conscious until about 2 sunday morning when he sank into a state of ot coma from which he never aroused he lost tle power of at speech saturday day morning for several daya days before that he talked very imperfect ly and ard during the last thirty six hours of ot his life bis his breathing was barely perceptible the flutter of his pulse was all that showed that life still re inal ned governor dockery has issued a proclamation on the death of former senator george graham vest the committee appointed to attend the funeral of senator vest aa as representatives senta tives of the state Is composed of men prominent in all walks oi 01 life nid ald is beaded headed by senators F M cocrell and william J stone |