Show announcements COUNTI ct LICK AND the advocate t autho teed tu antoune G ul cf Sanny side ax an a candidate for goumy 0 u n v c clerk I 1 e rk ui at I 1 recorder of carbon county ay xu subject b i t to 0 the action ot of the republican chui coui county nty convention the Artro cat 1 authorized to announce II 11 of cattle castle into onto a candidate for county citric ani of carbon cov cei ty a to 10 haq of the me democratic county C I 1 SKI 1 the ad V bento li Is to announce J S 9 N 1 aff of candidate for of cirson bounty subject to the action ot of the cepul lican county convent iua the ad 1 authorized to annot WIL L LIM 1 1011 10 11 of 11 a a ran dilate for tr herld ot of corbon county action O 0 of t the republic in county ibo the advocate is authorized to announce wilcox of catle gate present in curn Urn brnt bent it candidate fur for renoil naon to th the office of sheriff of carbon county s uba it to th the action of tho the democratic co collity luty convection convention COUNTY ATTO lEl the adv as I 1 authorized to announce WILLIAM II 11 I 1 of price ai a cind for n aunt county attorney of 0 carbon cu bunty nty u act ct n t the altion tion of the ch republic cin can county till tho the 1 authorized to announce J W V 4 ft bandl lale ai a i on brunty anty treasurer of carbon co coina int subject tu tho of county convention girnt the jovo ente 14 1 authorized to announce HOF CAUL it V 1 ma a candidate for county u port nten den bof 1 for car lion hon county subject to the action of the republican county the alvo advocate I 1 LI to announce prof I 1 ARLLY L LH L of scoble 4 as a a can for co anty a ip ent of school 4 of carbon county subject to tio tae action of alie republican county convention the advocate lq a to announce pro tensor C it JOHNSON pit it candidate for erin erfa ft of of carbon county nu jelt to the action of the re republican allican county con vent t ion lon |