Show TH stor 10 interesting uncle sams ir experts MS MR SEARLE MOST ACTIVE professor swenson being bein placed in possession of fads facts and figures of interest engineer menrie water commissioner for price livoi waa here last fast friday from aarn hatti vi where here he lie had been called in connection with the duties of his tits position mr searle recently had an interview with professor swenson nt salt lake city the latter being in charge of the geological work for tho tile government in utah more particularly the sun ev a for iea ies forthe for tho oc or tho the arid lands of the state mr searle says ilia attention was called to tho the urgent need for at the headwaters of the tile price river rier lie has given considerable ahrie to this stream recognizes tho the need and hus hits promised all the kielp lie can gl vp to any ny reservoir site worthy worth of consler consideration the tile best reservoir alto site in the tile mountains of kutni is valley at its lowar end bebo tho the tov it of scofield tho the reser voli ott alt however ho seer 1 Is b the ralli ond and algo 1 anany private rights are represented still it the etopio of castle vialle can call unite ill till of theo ma nia bo be o et como come price river alley nalley ought to hae three birties the arrengo under culli t aaion it nov now ling has As the tile acreage under culta cultivation aaion increases the lain fill fall will increase thia this question Is of the greatest gr cutest importance to ill all of cietto valley government aid id does not mean that bour our undo sam haut will put in tho the iad give glio them to tho I 1 eople but that hi ito Ns hlll ill assist the todo to do it for them aples under direction the tile government Rovern ment lends Inanc ll ltd aid but eNero ever vonc nc benell ted becomes dl ii etly responsible for the return of that money to the natio national nul treasury mr la I 1 in ill suit salt lake lahe cit aty this vicel and while thoro thore Is lo 10 I 1 ay adal additional facts concerning tho the scofield reservoir before professor swenson svenson in the thing may come of his in the matter 11 mr r searle considers ino lem odeon of the greatest re reservoir senoir and und irrigation projects in the west and la doing everything ci in his power to get the same before the proper persona persons As vet mr searle se arle bas not considered cont ld cost of construction amount of land that would como come under tinder the tile reservoir or other details tho aitio grande Wes We terii bould be bo liberal in the in mitt ater erot of changing its tracks up fish creek and make any ny reasonable son able cout ua |