Show GOVERNOR WELLS IS SURE OF THE LABOR VOTE governor Go vorner heber 31 wella wells I 1 8 out for the third term but he lie much in uch worried by reason of any BUY opposition frem from organized labor n a result of his right stand in connection with etli the late strike of the coul coal maineri of barbon county tho the goer governor nor says now as to the organized labor feature that Is a ruso ruse often used without reason why I 1 should bo be opposed by the labor organization organizations I 1 do not knew loom that they will oppose me fine I 1 do not billow e do the gentlemen who raise this tills bugaboo stop to reflect that the utah federation of 0 labor when it meets in september yep has decided not to discuss politics I 1 irn am the friend of organized labor and no ono knows that bettor better than th laboring men one of my first off official loial acts as governor aas as to sign tho the eight hour law lam what they ore are contending for in cot orado right now I 1 took auch such steps in tho the recent trouble as I 1 thought would a less loss of property and possible of life tint and I 1 did this on oil the tile eld old theory that prevention la Is cheaper than cure the adjustment waa was ea boey by and satisfactory eatla factory all abound end I 1 believe it has justified the in taken if ishall bo be I 1 I 1 will be elected tho laboring men inen are my friends and will honor mo me with their regular party vote I 1 wish you would intel diew tho the obber candidate i for governor and ask them if they do not approve 0 my counsel I 1 am nta willing to leova it te to them |