Show JAPS WAITED TOO LO Q neglect of mikado force forces to act en ables russians to retreat again tho the chance of a decisive batti 10 between tween gemeril Rura kuropatkin and the com commander marder of the japanese enay larmy seems teems tu tj be disappearing Ac according cordin to a statement issued by the general staff at st petersburg rains are again tailing falling oer a wide area ot of manchuria with the prospect of impeding opera but even moro important Is tho the information from nn an exceptional source that the japanese Japa neso have once more delayed to long general kuropatkin has cow now withdrawn the bulk ol 01 hia his army safely i north of llao liao yang leaving only a 06 strong rear line to contest thi advance hen lien it omes according to thia this information the japanese have about men in the armies operating against kuropatkin rendering it too numerous for or him to risk a general engagement enga gomont |