Show MASS MELTING MEETING or CITIZENS ON MONDAY EVENING the allocate Alho Ado cate takes tales plea pleasure sura in announcing noun cing that there will bo be it meeting of citizens of price anil and nil till others who may lo be 10 interested at the district t court loom next monday e evening nt at 8 the object of tho the gathering Is to discuss 1 tho the matter of taking out a dineh on tho the west and south side of the price river tor for tho tile utilization of abo flood coming down each reason wason for irrigation purposes together with the tile advocate a number of the leading citizens here ha hine hae e been discussing tho the feasibility of the project for some time all are agreed upon tho the benefits that accrue to the town and to t castle val ley lay in general go ueral everyone Ee is lilted in cited to be present on monday evening and take part in the tho meeting A survey of tho tile lands that may be brought under water haa hai been made all euch matters mattera will willbe bo explained also what Is proposed being done vernal business raon men and others aro are getting toge thui thoi to sat forth tho the advantages of that town as on an out fitting point with tho coming of the opening of tho tile vintah reservation next march price Is 1 the more advantageous vant ageous point however boever what are folks hero here going to do judging from tho the num number boref of former democrats who voted at tho the price primaries of the republicans last monday evening there will not be b enough of the loft left at the time of tho the county convention to fill 11 the for county offices some of the tile fellows who were run over at the price prin primary tary last lust satur da evening by the push art that 1 the ice lee wacon wagon wilt will ix out and aning buit iness at the tile county convention at eld it it to lough laugh it wont vant be necessary for senator george 0 whitmore to move his ills bank over to to take care of the funds of the new miner publishing company of which he h has lately become treasurer august 1901 ches promise of ex beeding all othora others in hi its record for wrecks and dl diLister Listers sIn in a ear that will be conspicuous for loss of life |