Show MISSED EDEN disaster DiSA BY ONLY feay MINUTES liv D rot foster r stenographer for several severt of the tile utah ruel 1 company of oud and well known throughout 0 hout carbon county pass passed edoor over alio don er rand and rio grande brid bridge neat nt eden colo just nino nine rul minutes before tho wreck ot last sunday nighta a week neek mylien nore than a hundred lles 11 lost nine short minutes niter after the allyer passed the train on oil which mr r 1 rode it was burled in the tile M sunds winds tind nod abo alea 11 es ot of whom lie he had caught glimpses were gone he ile tells his experience of that with ua ot of silt like lake I 1 ua on the train which left this city tho the night before for den er A storm waa raging nolen heue ne skirted north froin from pueblo when 0 no o went oer the bridge which spans a dry creek creel und and ullen me drew into tho the station nt at eden I 1 was still au uke and I 1 saw the missouri 11 ar pass ue us I 1 little thought th that t it would meet met n ith that terrible accident a which nt at the bridga bridge over which wo e had passed nine minutes before it was yas tho tile narrowest escape from death in that I 1 over hid tria I 1 and thore there was u crowd of thankful people when we heard the tile upon ng at demer the wrecked train was going south to pueblo and I 1 waa was going north so I 1 did not think to telegraph my folks I 1 thou slit lat they would aeo that in tho papera I 1 boni ent on to utter leming denver and waa A as thore so several oral daya days in tho the mc meantime antime his ills family waro tele graphing mory point where it might ht bo be possIble ble to reach him aid upon lecel no DOWS prey audly seared their io hot can bo be imagined Inui glued hen he lie IM re burnad homo |