Show all in the game hour of midnight poker quarter ayame limit alt rather lather tame F airet trot man antes second stays denier dealer promptly names a ra se AR age consider then maama rood good second trails as player mould RB we draba throe three cards to pair second hold holds up kicker there denier jinye bards he P a denit waits until hia his pul puli b is 1 eit felt adan ain i w ho drew two carda cards to three makes the bet with quiet quiet glee bet la a raised quarter morl seen been then raised sime irne an before dealer ater stubborn I 1 art arx t man drops second hand just calls uni stops pat fat hand caesar hat a bluer pair of queens to M in the tuff two card draw otake q in the pile sevens up were 11 ort orth h ug his A while first ma ellent silent not a frown three good deuces tte TIP threw down lown new york times |