Show know not the kiss who could have surmised it with beauty galore and ft id rosy lipped cheeks so 0 o seductive lve to man here a s a cation of girls that calls kissing a it bore in the perfume kissed land of the sun rise japan where klebes and and psyches a abound bou nd with charm charms that no other known race can eclipse the found farl oun ri you can kles kiss Is i nowhere to be and to pitiful pitiful waste go their cherry hued tips ilax Iler haps they their can dirt with a fan and can wink dink and wita go nure and smile mil tint lisit of cm carl bairs yet tn in balto ite of all this one Is driven to t ahin think they 10 1 R re climax in tanning the kiss kl vo doubt there Is love where the lips do no not t meet and devotion without any solacing eoL icIng rite t 1 i Lm dut but why should they chun a performance ao so awed sweet when no one Is near them with power to 11 affright bogne ft ight why mock us with beauty that beckons to ban why lure us with glances that win but to grieve arte vet 0 desolate dee doleful dear girl of japan that you like fila denial dental what heart can bel believe level Ilo however weva told tod if this too Is true that im that instruction in kissing you sometime sometimes bome allow them there nr ar thousand thousands I 1 know of 0 suf ut bold who won traverse tra veree taj th world round to ta tell you just how with choice illustrations the requisite lore should coon soon bring the art to each japanese miss who wilt will wonder she he never bad had learned it before aud why ibe the had 11 I uch such an ex qui rillie rill alte te blisak jorl joel heton hexton in tho july woman companion corn pan |