Show education of a doctor the layman who reads the p 1 ings of a medical congress in these days will bo be impressed with the fact that the practice of medicine has be come a very serious business und nd the ousa preparation for it an arduous undertaking lie will rec recognize onIze also how closely it Is united with the general well being of tho the public the old fashioned doctor who got what training he had from a voluntary attendance upon two terms of didactic lectures aided by the reading of a few textbooks and a possible association with an older practitioner started out upon his professional career with everything to loam learn and his success lor failure depend ir mainly upon the personal qualities chich he be brought 1 to ito his work many good doctora doctors were formed in this school of experience per peri lence ence but the failures were more numerous js and what the community comm unit in which they experimented suffered in the pieces in past computation personal character and fitness aro are no lisa ices isenthal o now than before but it Is simply impossible at tho the present time foi a man to start out upon tho the practice of medicine cine tho the slender equipment generation ago it Is not merely tha the coll colt gog require more prepa preparation ratio tor for a degree cy y require more b bc cluse the of 0 ha bar developed into a science to bo be aoi ao quiren laboriously it la Is no longer possible to trust to intuition aa as thy the oil doctors did and instead of cumi tumi turn ing out a lot of students to find out tor for themselves whether they can learn to practice medicine the college i must give them opportunity to dete mine their fitness in a langl graded course before they aro are let loose upon the public philadelphia ledger |