Show PACKERS WONT CONFER end of strike no nearer settlement than at commencement of trouble the chicago stockyards strike seems no nearer a settlement than it did tho the day the et rt ruggle began EC ef forts of a committee composed of re tall butchers and grocers to bring about a conference between the pack era and tho the strike leaders was of no avail the retailers committee was in conference with tho the committee representing the r pickers ickers on thursday and at the end of tho the meeting tho the following stat statement ament was given out by tha the re tallen we were courteously received by a committee representing tho the packers and were informed that considering con aldering all that had passed and present conditions dit ions no good reason existed thy any further conference with the strikers would be no statement was issued by tho the packers regarding the conference confer enco and they all refused to discuss the matter further than to the statement given out by the committee when tho the strike leaders were informed ot the determination of the packers to getuso to enter into further conferences with tho unionists they began to form plans to force the hand of the legal department of tho the united states government in an endeavor to bring about a rett settlement lement |