Show COLORADO COAL MINERS TIRED OF THE STRIKE IE TRINIDAD colo aug 12 k large meeting of strikers woe held field in the northern part of this county yes after afternoon at Lu ludle dlf it had lind boon been generally reported that the meeting wits tor for the purpose of tak ing aa action on calling olt ort tile strike president Wil littin of district 15 stated that there was positively no in such a report the ine meeting eting wat was called ho lie mid by some of tho strikers nt tit aguilar Ag ullar who mio thought they had some corn coni plaint to m make like the district oft 1 leers went out to the meeting heard their complain ti s and straightened matters up this nus all nud wal no decision nay any matter of importance import anco was taken in spite of this sta statement thero there is a general feeling that had the district officers not b been ben en present further action might have been tale talen n joe bunco was in from indian canon on the last IN monday fonday where he atas the tile contract for hauling ores for the raven mining company of which A D ferrou ie Is superintendent dur ing the month of july he delin delivered emd at the railroad at spur 11 bundt cd and arid seventy toua tour of the product and nd for the month of august the output will ba much larger it goes to the rell nery at lit chicago |