Show mm THE AM LD 10 BEST K D LET BE ABOLISHED the next advance in comfortable comfort atil livelihood which science has in store tor for humanity la is the abolishment of noise we expect to see in the near future the ingenuity and skill of man displayed in an attempt to still the roar and crash ot of city life what a beneficence it would be if bolm could be dispelled or even mitigated in city and town the rumble of wagons of every description the grind and jostle of street cars the screech and toot of horn and w whistle his all this din that makes it necessary tor for tenders venders of all sorts to shriek tn in order to attract attention the noise of the city Is driving thousands of people mad and shortening the lives of a multitude of others it Is the noise of the city that gives give the country its chief attraction the stillness of the country what a benediction I 1 it Is after months of city experience per peri leacel ence I 1 to sleep in a country house where all Is still where silence 1 Is unbroken save by the baying oi 0 a dog or the cry of some night bird stillness Is a marvelous luxury to tho the denizens of the city there must be some way to put a quietus to this intolerable Into lemble pandemonium medical talk VALUE OF A SUNNY SOUL the world Is too full 0 sadness and orrow misery and sickness it needs a aare sunshine it needs cheerful lives which radiate gladness it needs en cour agers who will lift and not bear down who will encourage not discourage cou raze 1 who can estimate the value of a sunny soul who scatters gladness and I 1 good cheer wherever he goes instead of gloom and sadness everybody la Is i attracted to these achl erful faces and sunny lives and repelled by the gloomy the morose and the sad we envy people who radiate cheer wherever they go and fling out gladness from every pore money houses and lands look contemptible beside such a disposition the ability to radiate sunshine Is a greater power than beauty or than mere mental accomplishments ments success MACAULAY ON SUNDAY REST speaking on the ten hours bill lord macaulay eald said we are not poorer but richer because we have through many ages rested from cur our labor one day in seven that day Is not lost while industry Is cusp suspended while the plow lies in the furrow while the exchange Is silent while no smoke ascends from the factory a process Is going en cia quite as important to the wealth of li eions as an any boc oc ess which Is performed on more busy days man the machine of machines the machine compared with which all the contrivances of the watts and Ark wrights are worthless Is repairing and winding up so that he returns to hie his labors on the won monday with clearer intellect with livelier spirits spirito with renewed corporal vigor ORATORY IN THE CAMPAIGN oratory as a compelling force in a political campaign Is duly appreciated by the party nn w agers who are on the lookout for every resource that will add to 0 their vote getting power the spellbinder who Is clever enough to size up the temper of hie his audience and who knows just what to eay say to the ones about him on any and all occasions Is supposed to be worth all hia his services cervices cost the campaign committee As a stubert of the subject has put it the most convincing address Is one that has profundity without obscurity perspicuity without prolixity ornament without glare terseness without bar renness comprehension without digression gres sion and a great number of other things without a great number of other things but a speaker with and without all these things Is a rare specimen there la Is never near enough ot of him to go around boston herald CHARACTER TO THE FRONT the keynote of all the i 1 dresses that have been n ade lately at college commencements and at meetings of business mens associations has been the development of character it Is remarkable ablo how this word character runs through all the recent speeches and papers it Is as if by c common cramon lm impulse our intellectual lead era had stopped talking abbat this or that economic problem pro blew this or that political polItIc sI issue and this or that means P pf f attaining success in life and had returned to the development of cha actor acter as the one solution of all national problems wall street journal WOMEN AND WORK the census returns of 0 the united states show very clearly that women are pre pressing aging forward more and more nto into profess professions ons and positions form former e r ay iy held hold by men and this in our ton on is an excellent sign although in some branches of labor there la Is an outcry against this usurpation of what Is termed mans prerogative what women more particularly require Is X training front from an early ago which will pliable them to tak their own part in he battle of life when through tho the death of those on whom they were dependent or through misfortune it becomes incumbent on them to provide for thea themselves selves this early training Is a matter which docs does not appear to receive the attention and consideration that it ought tor for bow how many women are there who can tor exa example mph compute interest intelligently and accurately cura tely how many are there who are capable of managing their own affairs or their own property it if they have any with anything like business capacity the education of woman Is not complete unless she as as part of her equip equipment men a knowledge of at lit least the rudiments of business women who are blessed with a fair share of worldly goods need this knowledge hardly lees less than those who have to make their own way in the voiad and who have not the tho protection and guardianship of husband and father for such women omen can never be sure that they mav not at any moment bo be celled upon to earn their own it livelihood how ilow to live GIVE GIE vegetarianism A TRIAL it if you were in a cannibal country how bow would you like to be the cannibal balee to be fed and fatted and slain and spitted to decorate the tho interior of your big brother well mr edwin markham has told us inn in a poem that he reads to everybody and everybody reads that man Is brother to the ox shall wo we carve our brother no not by the ox eyes or cow eyes of binol As fria the sheep how can anybody see one without thinking of a lord chancellor now we care to eat a lord chancellor especially a particularly tough one like eldon or brougham tt the tte e pig hath a devil the pig la is unclean he ile Is too bad to eat yet there are pigs that do great service and are too good to eat these sagacious ga cious clous epicurean noses that hunt the truffles fles of course nobody but a prodigal son eats veal Is there anything in the vegetarian philosophy lets find out Is it meat that makes you snap and bite at the breakfast table Is it meat that makes you an affliction unto the wife of your bosom feed upon salads uko like kat rat berries with the birds it if worst comes to worst buckle your belt tighter fortunately tuna tely everybody has a belt to buckle these days let us be mild eyed but not melancholy lotus cat ent ers and no longer ferocious carni cal vores vore now york sun DESTINY IN WAISTCOAT the easygoing easy going 11 harvard arvard undergraduate left to himself on questions of dress will not understand the misery of bis his counterpart at oxford when the exam period approached a week or so ago those in power issued an edict prescribing the dress to be worn in the examination room to include a black coat and a black waistcoat in addition to the white tie and the gown the british public itself was appalled at such puritan severity it was the black waistcoat a thing that all civilization Is allowed to doff dolf in summer that incited rebellion why a mans chances chancer in life might be impaired because the warmth of a waistcoat gratuitously imposed upon him prevented him from doing full justice justic to his views on the synthetic unity of appreciation I 1 it might ruin a state boston transcript THE THIRTEEN superstition col john mcelroy an adept in war statistics contributes figures to chow show that the silly attaching to the number thirteen finds find 11 no justification in the records of the civil war it is in evidence jua now in the tiresome clatter about tho republican convention being the ahli thirteenth in the history of ane organization 1 the war records show according to col mcelroye McElro ya curious deductions that the total loss of the thirty one regiments and batteries bearing the designation thirteen was that of the jamo number of regiments and batteries numbered twelve was while that of those numbered fourteen was not a regiment or battery bearing the number thirteen hau any tiny special til ill luck while moat most ol 01 them escaped with small loss philadelphia ledger i |