Show CHINA NOW RALLIES lUL LIES GENERALS PREPARING TO MEET THE FOREIGNER foreigners it I 1 a idl idle lr 40 dilsso 11 ahel ih cootey is I 1 arl 1 ii efens tr core ip tr hajal hojal jr oily A SO 1 rr PL ri euln letter the impression prevails ire ralli in western land lands that china is I 1 aten and end Is 1 adly city demoralized by her defeat and her humiliation hat IA ui us ir inquire quire Is 14 chia ch ia rot the empire of mat name which as a A whole knowl knows nothing of the presence of foreigners within her boundaries and bil care cares even less ie if it wo we lake the two Proy luces 1 of shansi shan through which the court PASS pared d to ret get to 81 ngan fu and that of ghensi ahen where the court now if Is we may arrive at a fair esti of 0 what china think thinks about this whole business in the latter province the people are too much occue ed la in the industry Indu itry of try lag ng to keep from starving ts death to attend to awa muen ele else except to contrive bow how to get rid on any terms of that court which they never wanted with them its presence prea enre baa has been in no way a but a burden and in an exasperation throughout we 9 catler atler from what ARM urt Ft the le opaque media environing the distant chang an thu so far foreign armies go tho who have the ear car at 0 ibe the empress dowager feel themselves vel quite secure in the remote fastness there wa was i a time when deep dread filled every heart beart this wn was also the case aa in in the month of oc tola al very tur elsil tut for lo guli gul I lare have penetrated the KU kuan panels pa for or the mere mention of their name dams diffused a pallor over every cheek now after all thee month months the chi iee dese soldiers and general generals hare have had ime time to regain their breith breath after a protracted fight altogether and thy have are entrenched themselves the melT along a ine line hundreds hund redi of 11 in lenith length and are grown rown bold with the success of nega ive tive denance they ther hare have succeeded lucce eded in to to 0 o defending the long ind and difficult onte route ai AS to make the advance of writ OF CHINA CITINA arn difficult ald as they think totally according to the reports of trustworthy native chrls lani lans recently from shansi auder the commard ol 01 a SOD son of liu K kun un yi hongly pos ed throughout the pass from ting chou in chanel to within a hort abort distan t of the french outposts at hual su helen la in chihli at the very gate of the tal hang mountain mountains other chinese luet just from sl st ngan fu tato state that the imperial highway leading thither from tung tun kuan xuan near the crossing of the yellow river via the treat great road from shag shansi el 13 1 everywhere re 1 intersected I at brief intervals Inter rali with pits like thoe hoss used in fucien to entrap tigers covered with sorghum talks stalks upon which Is 1 a layer of earth the essential point to be noted is that the th chlum have forgotten everything and hai has learned nothing there hae has been only one period during many years when the chinese court haa has not bien enraged la ill playing off one power against another that china might pa cipe cape As the number of powers Is enlarged the difficulties increase in geometrical ratio and by the time there are eight armies and eleven legation 8 to deal with the friction Is so 0 o multiplied ad that motion ceases this we e have all along feared and the chi nwe haye have all lions along hoped how for row they are sure of 0 it and so too are we it would be contrary to the uniformity of 0 nature if this incontestable and vital fact did not make incurable the chronic amit of the chinese political eye they are sa sayd d by t thu ho dissensions of the powers if 8 |