Show THROUGH THE KINGDOM OF EMERY the town jilt jail at huntington ie is mill completed carbon county ie is not sit yet depre belted at the amery stalin a academy the han rafael oil company well Is now down to near the wo foot mark erry town in vinery nery county held memorial nerv lier loea leles in dent lent ate K I 1 n ley some of the towns in I 1 mery mory county lime failed to send out their local tax notices time thus far part 1 V allred has returned re to cleve lani tin 1 bring being abw nt in anea herein la luring during the tile elminer ir working on a rat railroad t road george oranges alle was at 31 antl tho theother oth erday dav the fun eral nf lie his loter aim mr alex tennant ariam Tonee anti and 11 mien ins ads Ad aSherman sherman toft huntington a few tiny days ago for mcinti to bo ile married in the th a temple there mra hate Io loveless Lov eleni veless ant austin 11 akril eld who hac been bron on the eick isick list nt at huntington aro are much im proved nielson 1141 nt tit a few davs ago ms wife and family are left in poor cir burls adnella cliff miff of castle 11 dalp the huntington schools ech and wait wa much edwith what job saw 0 A shultz nn tin snit gait tako miller has been en bv J IV W heely to anka charge of the hour ilour mill nt at cartle natle dal dale A r collard Coll fird and wife wit e and find nd wife libe itan e prin anft from to spend a few tip afe a nt tit the temple tho the improvement ginipro ement 1 tion convention which met nt at hunt ington lat latt t sunday week wae was a euc suc WM 4 in n aery pry c r aitto it fit ft tauy mashed over in joee joea valley a few W daw days aam II 11 I 1 team ran away and he was thrown from the wagon county condit clerk I 1 fox la a the car vf at zion thie this week it an Is I 1 alo also mabel moore and mrs fannie fox and dave tuttle of Orang orangeville eville mr afra joseph jospoh A R snow left Tiie Bilay dinst for cattle dale DRIP to mt lilt with her daughter mrs horton tuttle who at ie Is very III nt at her home manit wiiiiam T avann and family of amblo id hae hiti ill wn toen ir with rela min ti I at cantle dale DRIP mr frann hns not let n contract for the 1111 of a hrick brick delling on hie its lot the there thom wa was A 4 laran in at nit tn ton flanc danco at tho the 8 ake IA larweck lat t weck if them were weir lilt it man one men ali therenie there ther enre are anima andle eil tho school hoot be nearis full W G 0 igi iraq the mammuth man re returned turnA to castle dale dal lat last wk hv bv a coupin eon pie of capitalist capitalists anil ant the parta IP the dav to secure some land in the oil leads town collector Collect nr peterson of catle dale sont ont on a it batch of tax we last ill t week the leav foite mills which if it all la Is collected collect fd will be the mean means of the town treni treasury tre tury 55 the town taxes of some property owners in 1 ne as small a 21 cent cents rome gorne three nilles miles north northwest wes to of f 0 oreen roon iziver he homo oil company nt at the tha of which Is GOT governor er hearm Hel r rM M ai ils lg in about ready to bearin a well for oil the corn p ample and an ha has or deral a derrick and complete drilling drill InK the peonie of 0 the town of green lr frer are in a sea of spile ne fie to the mean in ir of 1 in first the blo rio grande N estern railway eoin ganv is dumping nn less lhnn 20 ton tone I 1 of coal mat near the depot and it a boniv natural for people to ask what it lot 1 for dr 0 N ray ran into inton a barb wire mrs fence fencel sunday night might last while driving through a lane near moroni the wires having been heen stretched the road the horses were hii quite ito badly cut up tip and the doctor himself hi maeef was wag injured aured bv cominic in contact with the wires in extricating the teim tom mt pleasant pyramid the orean oraan recital and concert at the emery stake academy last friday evening was an tin art artistic little and financial decess giles of salt lake mr air and mrs A X leonard Leonar dof of hunt iceton professor sAor johnson of ferron and all dillam T evabs of scofield as bitted the local talent in making the affair a success there en ero many visitors from neighboring town towns 11 P ottowa of castle dale has bas re turned from his canadian trip while I 1 n king edwards domain he visited the towns of sterling lethbridge and bardston cardston Card ston all located in the much ad xI alberta countr in thero them he lie found hundred hundreds of ettah people sett settling lInK up the country jd d all doing airey airly well mell good crops of fine native hav erain grain and find the hardler vegetables were raised this year and the cattle and all lle me stock looked fine lie ile decent think enough of that country to quit utah for it |