Show RUSSIAN RULER VISITS FRANCE czar and czart ft wits 1 of 1 bao so crrech troop the czar the czarina and president Preat dent loubat saturday reviewed troops troop sou on the plain of bethany Ue thany Fr prance arnee a i stretch of country six ille liles nide wide and ad two mild miles deep the march lasted from iron 10 45 S a m to 1 10 p to tero teris ilna alsia tine ina in a magnificent charge of cavalry 1 the spectacle before the th czar was ong on of the most t imposing ever witnessed around the review grounds wait it deep d mass of red and blue infantry cavalry 1 and artillery the whole UDO line extend ed od several miles in pile spite of the fact that the troop troops were weris drawn cp up iso blot fl deep |