Show probate and guardianship notices aon con suit it county clerk or the beera t ti 0 signers for further information in the our ot the pe fe anth judicial district of the am of hah leah within and for the minty of carton baale of u john hunter lunter demeaned decea ned I 1 11 for lum sum lary tary and strib ution boo hanseen been net pet for forbearing hearing at 11 10 0 el a in al cnober ct ober ath tall at the coil house in adar pr price ce barb n utah I 1 W 11 donall lerk mark lark 11 braffet Draff rl attorney llah liah IN OF RE EV nth judicial the suto state of utah within an I 1 tor for tho he county of barbon la 14 tto t to jh thomas doce aed petition ft for summery und and g I 1 strib ution be alii 4 leen ien vet t tor for henri nir at tu 0 locka in lilva 1 y lath put at t the cou court rt houe I 1 in P pric r lv I 1 1 utah anicat 1 W II 11 JOA ason S lerk r har mark P ito tiet A attorney t t sm e y FM 1 alth in the pi court of tte tt e Ite feresh judicial Di ht ateo itah within andri and fir the ill county ot of carbou estate of brank sit trane arist do deceased dec eaird ceased petition tor for summary fin I 1 distria ution has been pet for hearing at 10 0 clock a in mon monia is oct october ber ath itoi 11 lit at the house in I 1 rice ca carbon rt n munt v a ate ito of or llah ft II 11 f lerk jerk alj 1 mark lark P braffet attorney scofield I 1 lab tab in irnie the Illa triet CP of tho dudl lal district nf f the state of utah vithina and adfor for 1 the h count of arbon in the matter of the e fhate toot of t lebard H W bite demeaned decea ned petition for emmary summary administration W an distribution b h a 1 twin ret pet for bearint at 10 cl ick ick a in betot october r ivol at I 1 the he cou court rt boue house in arico aurbon county tate state nl t atah W II 11 11 I 1 lerk jerk tali mark lark P braffet attorney scofield itah tab in the bourt of the eve nth judicial dle of the tho tate of utah laa adfor carton county in the tate of fac barra de marco dec earod notice of 1 SP P 1 1 CV 10 of fetter letters of a tin u Pt ration notice 1 o hemar griven bleg faul phillipi bit it d with jtb ile tle clerk of t it hi a court a pet lion wn pray inor for letter letters ot of of he estate of Fa charras do alamo deceased an nl hat bondar ibe october A got ata at 2 orick p in of fid day at the N burt rt hortein e in price arbon carbon county state ate of utah 1 has been net tor for hearing pal al I 1 petition when hen and whets any person Inter inserted ted may and how show call cau e why the uil said petition bobill boi ill 13 not bo be W y 11 II frankm it district clerk september 2 A 1 I I 1 1 first pub sept 29 26 last lastort oct 10 in anthe the court of judicial district of the state of 1 tab tah within and for chec the county of arhon in the ahr william in jams notice 0 o ti ce to let set apart and distribute nolle is 1 hereby irleen bat rat john A will ams a aimini hap flam with the cleric clerk of th a court a petition for an tin bruer to m apart and ditrI huto all in thi Pro property nerty of 0 1 e n Iaac a p win Willlam larn tojan Illi aine ta e w iw of ila id and that monday thi th day of octar A 1 agul at 10 n cl click ck a in ot of raid paid day at 1 l th court murt house in rice flee c carbon abon county tata to of itah utah I 1 aa as been ten et t fr h wd petition veti tion where A aar nr pt r n mav appear end how show caute w why h y the petition should not be itra t ta ft 11 1 I 4 clerk laa I 1 marka braffet attorney Atto ruey scofield etab t sh NOTICE OF INTENTION of 0 the board of county coin commission in 1 era to purchase of 0 real tato tat notice it Is alei heib by glen chenot of the nten alou of the board of or county cominis S toners of carbon carlon county to purchase th the follow ing described lied real property Iro erty perty in the county of carbon state of utah to wit commencing at A point hundred and twenty three and one halt half feet south 67 57 degress 10 40 min lites utes cast of a point five hundred hundri d and twenty nine and three twelfth 3 12 ft south of nort northwest livest corner ot section 21 townsal township 14 south range 10 east lake meridian thence running south 87 d degree e 49 40 minutes eart fifty fiftysix six and one half 5 feet parallel to and one hundred feet from center of lib 1110 grande lV western estern hallway comp coro piny n line thence due south two tilio hundred ed feet thence one hundred ard sixta six dept north 57 decrees degrees 40 minutes west thence northeasterly cne ne nun litin dred and seventy oae one and ani one halt feet to place of berl nning I 1 irice rice townsite sul ne 7 I 1 ic ot of an acre with im al M on consisting of ahr baill dav h anto artto foro fore used as a stu e building fhe me price proposed pro peel to be paid Is centon cent wn mn hundred and fifty 7 00 dollars it Is to purchase eald bald property from the emery county mercantile coin pany y T the h 0 time fixed by the said board boa of f coun county ta coin in Ise loners when they all meet to con such purt purpose se ig Is londay monday i october 14 1901 1301 at i 2 0 do clo k it ni a at t the of uio tile cou wu ity clerk of car I o 0 utah da dated at ai I price irice rice utah Sp september 10 1901 W V II 11 4 county counte clerk and clerk ot of hoard of county commies loners ot of carbon murta utah first pub apt 12 last oct 3 1001 1901 miss brownle went to manti mantl front chicago one day jay lat week to meet her lover IN billum of lerron who wa will there awaiting her arrival for the pu purpose apo se of taking her tier W athe the temie to inake her lite hi wife they y were mar married rieti and left for their future home c it will be ile be le ron mr air while la a bolige in chicago ae as a miss missi lonai 1 met iss bromley Lr omley which resulted in III their ju marriage arriage ayr L itts land pace 1 JA 1 bettty city utah A uw I 1 FA t T whom it mar may concern iriti notice in Is fit allm en that hie nut or wr utah hai hots file 1 hereby t licen lift list no IV hit of or 11 br by this the mid state fr fir the e of cf rm dent nent water under aretis u 12 of the act rl cair e o proved july it ii rho following ap 0 rial in all I 1 tare in monib tracts uni iriner nl claims of record az ali doon r jr Per ranst neair no ir w 11 tp twp 1 13 a r limtt lIM tB a 1 I mer let A copy of mil lirt i I 1 ti elan boid t recta r item bag ha bet been ill sled in this office I 1 r impoco tion by dy any sly gereon re and b abe dub lie ireneus bt pr within the next nett sixty days following the th dale date of tl it to notice under ik to truc llo tio rot 11 pm ir or contests th claim of ur the state 1 to any of the tract a or ahm ni arr i ll 11 before 1111 on the um same tt li more valuably abl tor for mineral than fur I 1 tural r a 1 v purpose ur toses ee 1111 nd noam for ifon i 1 to tile general 0 ind bince it at wasi 1 1 I 1 failure eo ft to or ca deett within the tilt e wl wi I 1 no roneld f od emilei eti IN co ot of the noa non mineral 11 character of if ill 1 mid said tracts and nd the th Pei petition tion ahert swinie otherwise free r from rom will be tilt khlil approval leilli I 1 I 1 A SMITH receiver 11 I 1 I 1 ant iret pub catlon leation aug S last oct 3 NOTICE united st atea bant odice sait 1 C ity liah j ulav 1901 to lowhorn w h rn Ittu 9 may arco co corn hotl notice ce sl I 1 ID sit hereby criven that the itt lute 1 0 I dell hl he alini 11 1 1 in abie th is office onice a lint list no r of land ol elected bythe by the aia plate fr alo esteb I 1 kb men t ant an I 1 mant nil nt cnance nance ot of a df si s i 4 dumb under lection J 12 jtb tact of coners approved july 16 14 tie follow olio ienir tracts embraced in mid lift list are arlustar arlu ill a atar to ihen mineral t claim of via 0 0 14 sw 4 tic 21 tp tj a r aa t ana ile 64 04 peu ii t pee M 2 and e es net nellt am 33 t tp P 12 it I 1 afa pa 1 L ter A copy 0 aid lint trace tracts by descriptive his been e tn in this office for loope ion lion by any person interested inte and bytho pub I 1 c genera ajr within te t e neit sixty laty days da the tb antice uner ini ins ruc tiona of rosember io lembert Z 13 am L D ta protests prote eie or contests conte itu uli at t the claim of this tb 3 a c to alny tony f the tract or one ilam Inbe In before forO on the ground irro unil bit that th the inie attle in ill finore Talu abin fur fr mineral than for sari ri cultural woo will be reef addend on led for r port to the general ban lan I 1 moe at t ashington 1 i failure no sla to protest or of content contest within the time pencilled led el I 1 be cc adert 11 d ilioof the pon mineral character of the tract tracts and ann the selection thereof belli wile fre free from object objection iM will be rm i omm lol f arar val P 11 thomis oil US register GLO A 1 pint first pub aug 8 laft last act ct J 1 I nyrl OTI H united tc 1 tand office eat t kaleky 1 I 0 I 1 ty I 1 etab tab J ly 29 1901 to atom botn it may concern as part of or ita it grant for the C tl tat ashment an and 4 mat maintenance n cenance of a 1 before ath ak h ol 01 under the I ath sect it n of th the liet ct of Lang rema at proved j lly I 1 ly lat icah h 1994 the thal follow ollow fair in tracts returned ny or the unlit A tu tar ey r general as mineral caal 1 lam a hot etoen W ill by n that the aid bald slate lee wl wi submit proof por iss a to I 1 be character of ortall sat I 1 land before the an I 1 Itce iver at thi this office on 02 monday the th ill day of october IWI 1 at 10 0 clock a e in viz tho the a ar ne rr er and se e ar do 19 twill bouthi t ganir 7 atiat 6 I 1 tier embraced ew braced la in list IU IV it steloi i school AU all p m ons claiming any g portion r I 1 1 I desert bea tracts as giai mineral ral land or IM toy r tt or object to abe tb by the abate or are to aspre PP on that do date te an testimony mony in support of if their claims 4 ins n k thania it A N K 1 I I 1 I 1 4 11 9 rister rah UFO tilo it mimi lecetta First pub tug ur in in ahe Ili tIt C courton urt of the tho sel peterth tenta judieh district it f the thes ate of utah attic 1 10 and for arbon county 11 r danli acara v to letterie let terme aca a defendant v mom T beitat hereby u amoe lg 1 l to noar with 0 monty days dy after the service oath f ill a samlim 6 chirch u a rou 1 0 it farrl ervel with n the county to this action ie is brought otherwise th 1 L 1 bis thirty day days after a rv arvice end and defend it boie entrum action and 1 10 f 1411 u to witt do will be ren rendell derl against yu am t i I 1 the h of the complaint which t inhere be ohp od 11 upon 3 ou I 1 it MIME hiir for I 1 Is roto Pos tollice floe dar add I floe 1 arbon I luy utah t k arst pub cepl SO lut JAR oe oct 4 |