Show 10 KIPPUR following clow A upon the festivities which make the commencement of bosh rosh Ila shona the jewish new now year came the tile observance of tom yom kippur tho the dakof day of atonement which began at sundown last sunday and continued until sundown sunday loin kippur la Is ac according cordin g to ull the talmud the tile culmination oft Loten daa penitence beginning from rosh mashona IIa Ha shona and ie Is mostly 9 1111 in ita its character and the observance of or tho tile day in sackcloth and ashes is merely intended to inore learly em plia size tile ell existence stence of the pros of atonement in nature in no wise docs does ahn jew believe that fasting ard arld praying could ato atone n a for pin in except as a mans of re reminding all manathis man othis of his and stirs u lating him toward a propel reali realization zallo 0 of f hia his real and material short rulings |