Show THE TOWN AND fhe pit insurance it W crocket crockett location loca on flovick 8 of till kinds carried in stock at the ad acate ocate office thern in is a I new dew boy bab at the borne of M r and mrs william hawkins the Adro aar adr cato lias juet jus I 1 receive a new deiv line of box eulers airs and tablets hio tile lacost 11 athas tom nichols wn lilas fined 12 before alo tl court nt at hnit salt edke I rike city the other duy day thinking fur low a new stock lately pur in the eastern markets is arri riling I 1 ng some beautiful new lines are being shown n marriage marring were issued during the week eek to oscar koski ami and ida koaki koski and W L I 1 jones and mary 11 II allred all of clear cik chero is snow full fall in the to the nest and north of or price luet last moulcy night 8 ha liale e ben la comfortable of morn ings and eien evenings ings for it week or ten toen daa daa is L Is 1 building a row rw of sheds in the his store to be used as a ua warehouse and for or ot of such no be pu in the etore building peter franci francis ling brought sult in the district COUL against batee chipman for 45 alleged to bo be due for baird lodging horde horae feed goods wares merchandise lw cash etc fur a elied shed defendant 1 here la Is nothing better fur for famil and medicinal u than old N ulta utne tIne whisky handled exclusively in price prim by nichola ichols N alroe 13 roe the t lie senate Q saloon tit co n moderate in price but high in quality get bottle for boine home uv le recommended commended by phy belans for its absolute purity there wag was a sur surveyor ea or here a few da t H ago running the alnea fur binak ing the cunes curies of the rio grande western Il estern wae broader considerable trouble has been experienced in the ards ard since the ad advent ent of the big en on ones beca because tise of the narrow curves the tife iron i vault ault door for the court 1 been delaedt ty the steel strike but should be ix hero herie nn an time now noon when the vault Is completed which MAO will take but three or tour four das da after the door arri cs es the court house will bo in the building vacated by emery county Iler mercantile cantile company information concerning the whereabouts of johan jorgensen hansen son of jena jens ditley hansen of stokke by denmark is wanted by the danish consul peter Ila u at salt lake city the missing one has fallen heir to his fathers estate he is eald said to havo ched in utah about twenty two 3 ears ago rio orande grande 11 estern burneo sur surveyors Neo are running a line from cisco into emer county supposedly to connect with the suri survey ey made male through salina can on to the east it crosbee tha green rh river er about two in miles iles below the mouth of the san rafael rh aler er and about twenty live fise miles south of groan Orean river town swen 0 nielson and judge de deo of the state 1 al 1 of equalization were here monday last and with judge harkness and W D MacLean ean of the board boan I 1 of county m went through the tax rolls of carbon count a thing waa found to ba lu in fine hape and according conling ac to hoyle kit left for their respective homes Tue tuesday day morning rr the I 1 ie ng car porters at la lai t thae ha e entered a voice of protes protest thi re I 1 li now a concerted movement mo moi ement under way wily tor for higher wages und and the possible abolition of the tip system the traveling public which PUS pas a stiff price for the privilege of riding in a pullman car and then Is in addition expected to assist tha porter in his laudable desire to keep bol boil and soul to arthor will undoubtedly second the motion with ith a rising vote frank carroll brought the news liero hero yesterday that it Is believed by those who have lately beca been to the rafael oil ond and mining company that a it flow of oil has ixta struck beyond the beien hun dred foot point as the aroma of oil or crude petroleum can be detected three 1 ree or four aur miles from the point where bor boring ng has lins been in progress the I 1 atell ell has ban fenced in and the greatest secrecy is maintained under a ruling of the treasury department part ment a genut anut stamp for so 60 cents I 1 required on the I 1 binds of administrators and guardians formerly held tle tie exempt as bonds used in proceedings and also on bonds of guardians receivers and trustees appointed by the court all such bonds that lia have e beep filed wilhoit the stamp are liable for a penalty of tsoo which the revenue collector has power to rebate upon affidavit being made of knowledge non of tho the requirement miss 1 buelo hirkman line accepted ft it clerkship with tho the emery county mer candid 3 company and begun began work luet last nonday morning william J burgess burgees of scofield and mary gatherum of provo were gant grant ed license to rd ed at sa salt it lake ake city lustwerk lust week aleo also joseph W thompson of prim nod and helen 0 pratt of halt bait bike jilke 11 three carlOA 13 of aerel un loaded to abed here lasteel la for car boa boll and emery countley count lec T ey were from uie the utah SUMO stoe end anti hardware ITAr dware company com cOln rany PanY bait salt lake cit cita an I 1 were in charge of charle charles perks A pretty food con two freights camo together on if one ole of attlio tile sidings at thistle lat last Thurs theroda Th da and the front mj of each rogilio 1 was demolished A train corn ifie joi dunn n tho the grade could not bo be held an it bumped into it train landing standing on oil the at oiling ahng fortunately no oe oj was hurt hoth iloth the tile oregon short line and the tile it Itlo to grande Orando western hoe liae greatly in crea creased sett their coal carrying equipment in preparation for what la Is expected to be the bigge biggest tt winter coal ca at cranic in histories lilet orica the illo RIO orando grande line has bought two new coni coal care durilin hie tile together with somo some rodgers ballast utra which can be used for coal also israel burlow darlow in till old citizen of bountiful ful arched tit t wellington a few art e ago to aeo hie ills eon son john JohnY Y barlow arlow Il w who I 1 io wae mas injured in a it thresh ing in machine accident monday of last aleek an account of which appeared antho in the dacate do cate iho lounger dar 10 low onus a ranch tn tit cacho vol val ley icy whery he has resided the nater greater portion of his ills life n bros gether a dramatic in salt lake city and have again hit the ro road ad in the tile direction of and arid vernal itis it Is hoped by numerous creditors in this and other portions of the country too numerous nunie roue to mention that they will have hare success and sundry un pal pall I 1 bills of longstanding long standing emery county mercantile company compan ha has completed ino I 1 ig into its new store building two block blocks east of the old stand where many new lines of merchandise are being shown A cordial invitation la is extended by bythe the management to e era citizen of eastern utah to call at the new quarters whether he or she Is a abu buaer eror or not the doors of the new establishment were thrown open tills this afternoon |