Show SPEAK IIa OF HOTELS price ie is now in blvd and hos been for two or three years of atel hn tel realizing th tact fact the advocate has from time to time tim 0 called attention through its and by pt letter 1 to person persons who wh might be interested in such an enterprise the insult ie is that one gentleman of means and experienced la in the busi business nebs Is soon to como come here and look the field avor if he thinks favorably of it he be will at once make preparations forthe for the erection of 0 a two etory story brick structure of five rooms with all modern convenience one and centrally locale I should the gentleman referred to turn the proposition down biere ie another back in kentucky who will come ile a has vi led ted price and thinks most favorably or of trio location and the business to be had rewound he would take the matt matar r up now hut but for the fact that himself and the gentleman arsi arm alluded to are personal friends anu ac would not in any wise interfere with the plane plans of the former either one lina ull the money necessary for the building and furnishing of ewh a bouse house as the town requires anil anti each Is experienced in the hotel business when it Is remembered that th two houses heit here are almost every day crowned to their limits and thit that hundred hundreds of men stop at uel I 1 per e acry cry month who would como come here under different conditions the news eity tor room and la tlona in this line at once beames a ait I 1 parent to een the robet casual 00 sener the town hoe hm simply grown ahead of present accommodations accommodation a A first class hotel would bring thou thour ar Is of dol larli directly to the tow business to our merchants and stran gers to tho the place besides making at least calculation five thousand thou sanci dollars clear profit 5 3 early to the p a arvn who conduct conducts it upon tho the right plan the ad advocate acate ocate knows of a it responsible tenant for a twenty five fire room modern hotel at two hundred dollars per month should the ono one who n ho builds it not care to conduct the house nichole Nichols bros offer to donate donata ground worth at sit the least calculation rive five hund hundred dollar dollars for hotel purposes ies |