Show VERY MUCH ALIVE salt lakes tribune of last friday notes the preserve pre serce there of P J rooney and rayj he it ib remembered as one ot of the tile f committee who spent silent some time there I 1 st t february and march in the interest of or the coal mine st riken kere another of the committee named george geurge Is now located at Scranton pa mr mir rooney Is not actively interested any more in labor agitation gi tation he ile Is pleaded plea td with marys vale ask as a mining camp and anti has becu been busy at work there mr rooney displayed a letter writ dpn tanto to tho ali of the dal ton mine at Mary evale which indicates that mr rooneys brother had become worried over a dispatch he had cen in the newspapers in the letter the brother jamea rooney of helper stated that he had sra sen a dispatch saing that one P J rooney had 10 awn n murdered in kl laka ilika and asking the superintendent when the writers brother left the mine it if I 1 am the man who waa was murdered said mr roone boone 1 I expect to see a about bout collecting some life insurance I 1 carry I 1 shall start to helper tomorrow he lie continued and 4 will eu en deavor to persuade pers per jade saade ray my brother that I 1 am still alie ills worry WOM has probably grown bulot aul ut my carelessness in not writing to him |