Show A party of rio grande western chil engineers with tents and several wagon agon loads vt of impedimenta came down ou on monday afternoons train and proceeded ursalina up Salina eanson making camp near jesso steel steele s ranch aag tho the salina 8 ilina sun there are afif ten teen persona persons in tho the party their purpose ie is to make aa an air airline line survey through the canon following the old grade as nearly ae as possible but deviating from it who wherever irever it ig Is deemed expedient the work will be completed before enow flies already the air Is full of rumors but the concen sus of opinion la Is that the western now means business and will begin work on thie this much talked A of cutoff early next spring if thia this be true the work of construction will begin simultaneously at point on of the main line and in salina canon the lice will be of inestimable value to the western without taking into consideration that some day it will become me the through abort short cut to the coast |