Show 1 acht KY COURT OP of INQUIRY ITS greeir twi tT lr too birj wise Die reas with r r 4 by Admal rill leh bj Jjr the schley court of inquiry rf bened nel friday and before it examined four witnesses th the 0 most aik oik important incident Dt 0 of the da d my lh ill decision 11 of the court question tion put by tile court itself uk ask lor fair a wi tassia to give his eoa coo eral nir a point under contro can orty tim mott most important witness sigr exam inea durley the day wu was admiral file who tile battleship massachusetts during the bombard me nt may 31 of the be battleship colon then lying IB in tb the eater harbor at t BIB ban mogo admiral IlIg glason said id la to his judg meal admiral ahloy bad dot not doo done all 11 II kolbl to destroy abe colon on an that date and that ibe the colon could have bei beet destroyed tir tile american aloot clofed la in and nd attacked at 1 range tie tle thore shore batteries the th admiral considered 11 did dot not amount major moo who tr the marine force on the tile massachusetts testified that when attacked bj by the tb shore batteries bat admiral schley bid had given this order larboard lb blar board jour your beiro helm and aadot lots arel tout out of 0 thia this they wr were fet feet from the th batte les lie ile considered tha the distance ditt toc too freil great for effective rork work captain Il arber second cond in corn com ruland OD on the coats a PhIlil ps dead testified that whom ho flroa il roa went to dve U were discovered dico bat but am attim attempt pt waa was made to destroy troy them lie U bad heard ard of no general order orders or at directions bavine bea been issued regard loff log conduct of a light should the spanish der fart be b eaga ired if alio also thought albl have coaled it st liea a instead of to kejr key west As they did at till this time by ordera orders of ad lidral |