Show RAILROAD FOR EMERY MIERY it begins to look us its if emery emer county cywa wbk to have another line of railroad A dispatch from to the suit lake tribune iri bune last friday sa sae 11 party of railroad succors sun cors and engineers haa has made its appearance at atS salina allua and besterda 3 est erda morn ing began la ing off a rall hallwa wak route and driving stakes up salina cannon the party is an exceptionally well ell equipped one and consisted in all of 01 fifteen fl ftc men their car and instrument boxes and all such equipment bears the mark of the klo rio grande Mea western tern while all ers ag agree that their work Is acry cry thorough it will be b recalled that u s me bir weeks ago the tile railway con rau nied a de awl deni NI transferring the old right of wa grade cuts etc through balina salina canyon meadow gulch salina pass and down 1 I ie le creek to the castle na ale 1193 hallway coup L n anand this bams ins to be the becony step toward utilizing the old route 11 |