Show news and views my q of f th the drao alyn one ono of the moat t my mys tortes in the history if naval menta hu has been developed during the U lat few weeks all the summon inc ing of witnesses who ar at to appear be b fore the schley court of c inquiry him 1 pie as a the matter appear at first sight it row seems hit the 01 of who steered the it vorlyn when abe hi blade made her celebrated loop during the battle ot of santiago Bant laxo li to enveloped eav eloped la in much complexity tin tile full power vowels of the distinguished gentlemen w form the court of inquiry nry may be b re reo quiren to this matter first comes walter wolter D B adam adams who says ay ho he was at the heel wheel and cavi cave the turn that made the brooklyn Drook lyo wing swing aroune in the ronner manner which so 0 o astonished the enemy and arouh confusion conf irlon among the american hip next cornel comes john it of 1104 ton who waa was at or near inear the wheel houie house lie it save BV that adams waa was dot not at t the wheel during the th loop but fiat the steersman ite enman wae was dennes J 0 co con cell 1111 0 connell bai has been xa summoned 4 av 1 0 o zvy A it a t t ir ti 90 arz aj WHO STEERED THE tir BROOKLYN an a it witness then comes captain cook who baa has made a written report to the nary navy department saying that the man at the wheel during the loop was wa N anderaon anderson wb abs liae las alo also been summoned lummon rd now tb the question arle arises which one of those men actually steered ur the brooklyn during the loop or was it pos a fourth party till still unknown to tame fame erected to witches s memory in goethe a faust the witches of ani th hartz mountains flay play a notable port and with the object of still till further perpetuating tho the legend about them ae as told by goethe a building known as the has now been erected on the very pot spot which popular allon haj has alway always supposed to be b the betat of their nocturnal revelry the idea of constructing such a building originated with Ilen iann the berlin painter and it te to be he who has decorated it with fire large frescoes in which the legendary doings of at the witches are admirably portrayed the building luelf itself ie Is tho the work of the architect bernhard sebring and it is described by those who bante pm n it as being meet most artistic thee theve witches it Is said staid never hald ir bleb carnival except in t their he ir grand open air ball room and it 1 la here that the bf his been erected avor jorfor W the gov government er n men ja philadelphia record it would DO no doubt doubts help to a better business understanding it this gor go r ment should a euf by the assembled ambled manufacturer manufacturers bring cuban mer merchant chanta tu to ti v united states to learn our but this Is 1 by n tn nv v mean means a proper government function it would be far ar wiser tor for the manufacturer fac themselves to end send depre serta tives ot of american traders and ar bircer tir cers to cuba to learn cuban method methods the fint first thing to do in order to make headway in foreign markets la Is to find out hat the foreign consumer wishes to buy that accomplished we could adapt our vi are arts to his ante ants Is 1 er entirely too much dependence upon government me timi time to quit butte monr krom a purely elfish selfish standpoint the th young mn man who li Is hop lag to make something lom ething ot of himself ile fore ore he die dies be perfectly willing to grant all hie his successful elder elders a lone long vacation when they hare bare reached the balf century mark but the men abo are re la in abi prime of life will bard hard ly be agreeable to any arrangement of that kind the greatest great tit plea ples surd ur that many rich aaen get out of life is 1 in continuing the work that has mad made them successful such aid men will not 1 ault alt at t 50 6 or any other age a but will kp beep on doing as a long as a they lire live A jl traveler in INt mexico exico has ba discovered covered dia la in buffalo protes or nuno who bayt to the she mexican republic it its rand national air 11 ll L Goland rinal prote tor nuno la Is teaching music it at the ex x position lon city he lie received but tox for hie his national air from the emment it from many com compete comp pett etl tor tors A popular subscription of inq oa from rich tach inhabitant at of lexi eo to to I 1 now lethig discussed N 4 the to relieve 11 the th immella 4 a tad ad d barnts of tai eged ead Plo professor fessor |