Show championed UTAH OIL an agent for a california oil corn com pany and don C bobbins robbins had a tilt last Saturday nt tit salt lake city ac corling cor ling to the herald oer mer remarks pawed 81 by the former concerning the m rita of utah oil the former lind claimed that there were no oils from the utah fields on exhibition that bad had not been doctored and overhearing the remark mr It at once offered to wage wager that he could show the californian utah crude oil that could be duplicated from the spring springs in the fais hie that DO no california product could approach in quality mr bobbins It aho bo has hail spoilt many months in the search for and acquirement of oil lands in this elate state tor for purties parties and corporations with which he is more or less identified said bo he took the matter up with tho the man because he chedid did not propose to baand around and see untruths regarding an all indus try that must soon make utah hamoud go |