Show OF 1 meeting of the directors of the Huntington Mercantile company was held nt at th IN tsi dence of mr chris johnson Se september 21 1901 there were present president chris johns johnsn n and directors peter johansen ond and christopher N alcox the meeting vas called to order to consider the management of the corn co M pana pan e s store and to accept the tion of J 11 II hillback Kill Hill puck pack as manager it was mowd bowd by b peter johansen and seconded b christopher that the resignation of mr be accepted the motion carried it A as moi ed by christopher wll wit cox and seconded by peter johansen that the any begin stock taking NI OLda september tho the motion carried it was moved mored by christopher i AV it 11 cox and seconded b peter pete r johansen that george M 1111 miller ler be employed as manager at a salary oft SOper month mouth tho the motion carried it was moved by peter johansen and seconded bv fier wilcox that the ine meeting eting be adjourned sine die the motion carried G GEO ea 31 MILLER secretary pro tern tem |