Show ACADEMY prow utah sept 24 2 professor 1 N L nelson lectured in Knights knightsville ville ward in last laott sunday ee beening ning ills 1 subject w wig is I 1 scientific proofs of the el I 1 stluke of a god TT hr pr ta m a large atlue nace p bressor sor h I 1 holt was absent from school on and tuesday last lie ile was at gale utah ot at the of his muther who ho W ws is serl finly ill prisident Preal dent george 11 brimhall Dri 1 rho has been confines to bohia tits hoiu hona tor for the past wk week because of illness ie Is his ills usual bloor it it Is expected pecked he will won beat be at his regular labors literary society vi ety will be organ I 1 izod zed next evening evenin aside from the work of a program ro 1 I 1 I 1 be rendered b M miss h walkes les on class tha first fint matinee was given tnt latt saturday aft afternoon e rian from 5 to 8 Oc lCk about abou t two hundred hun drell student tm wee we v present music was furnished d bythe by the academy academy orchestra conducted by professor miller the brick work has hits been completed on a normal training school and azz um 1 lu lu it course of or erection on the northeast corner corne of the academy block the building has stories and Is one hundred and t twenty wenty fl oyobu ve b sixty five feet it will be b e pushed to completion as soon as the t he sti girder girders for the roof root can be h bad rd from chicago where one of the contractor contractors la las gone to hurry them u up athel the white and slid blue board met laft tuesday evenin even I 1 to consider bide foi the printing of the paper theae these ex have been appointed by the board david rust maryt mary T ollerton literary editor nathaniel baldwin science editor bior nee Sn crest local editor and maud Re bencher aisi assistant stant local editor tumult 11 |