Show oklahoma mf NOR 1 it the th inc ad 1 r ubi mahd d one man was dragged through is t I 1 treta of oklahoma city clyola CU yOla ocla thus thu s daj day by an D anbry crowd for his country and president and narrow ly IY lyn lunching ching and another who he poke spoke ill 11 of the police wu will cow compelled palled to cleol fie for hit his life R ar M bradshaw nr a contractor who bad had declared that ho he WM was in an anarchist and would beltri Delt lier r respect president Pred dent nor the american wu was tripped stripped of his coat and hat and dreg dr ted ged to the public square ile II 11 had re fild to march la in a memorial parti rod and Amer americal icam bags aers placed in his hi band hands aed and he wa was forced to head bead the procession proc easlon of several aTral hundred people and klu kiss and cheer th ill flee lie II 11 t as ad advised wised to leara leas towa town A chool school teacher who denounced the police for got not protect protecting lair bradshaw Orada baw had to fio flee his life |