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Show Speed Classic Is Ready for Fourth With an ntry list of four of tt vry bat raclns drtwra of th .ntormountaln country U In, and with a canatnty of havln many mora of tha faatar drlvara and car coma la bafora tha raoa. tha ln-tarmountaln ln-tarmountaln aaptakt-a, which will ba hald on tha Lagoon raca Uauh. Tuaaday aftarnoon, July 4, ttromla to ta ona of th apdieat and moat thrilling of motor rlaaaita vr itrntl to th uollna fana of t'tah. Tna ciaaaio rac of fiva auttta. Utah. MaJio, Wtmln, Co. or Art o and Montana, will t atrd thia yaar by Jark Casvy and ltoy Bennett. Whlla tha antrtra ao far hv b-n confined con-fined to L'ULh cara and ( tah drlvara, i'romoUra tuiay and tannil alratvdy hava promlaa of a rtumbar of ft aiaad- tara from other atut and cxict to hava a number of nationally known drivers and apead waitona In the race. Aa Uat yar, the event will ba a taxed on tha laifoon aieedv', whk-h nua already al-ready been in the aUge of priaratloft for tha big event. In tha laat few daya a conaiderable force of men hava beii tle-Utl-d from lagoon to begin work on putting put-ting tha track into ahape. With mora than $1000 apent but year In conditioning 1 tha track, it waa already In pratty fair condition. Tha la bore re who have been detailed to tha track, however, will hava It all oiled down and one bad turn on tha couraa put Into ahape before tha apaed devlla roar away In tha Intarraountmin olaealo on the fourth. t'robahly the moat prominent among the antrtea In tha race la tlalr Hnracue, Intermountain aprlnta champion, ten-mlia champion and quarter cantury champion, tiprague a reputation aa a nervy, daring I and ebaolutely fearieaa, yet aklllful, driven la well known to tha followers of tha motor mo-tor eport In Malt Lake. With hia big Hackard auaclal ha he a defeated every driver In Uttfh and nearby atatea and aveay driver who iwr ran hie car over Utah tracks, with tha ona exception of Ira Vail, world a dirt tmck champion, who dfated Mprapia after a cloag and hard-fought battle at tha iAgoon track. Another favorite of tha Utah fang to antar tha race la Danny Burrowa, In hi now famoua Paige special. Burrowa ha a always been up in tha money In all local ' race or in affalra In nearby states. Harry Har-ry I'hllllpa, usually a runner-up to H prague In moet of the events and ona of Hprague'a deadliest rivals, la another an-try an-try lo tha rac and he expocta and hopea that during this year's Intermountain aweepetakta to remove fJprague's crown. Hau Bpry, In another Packard apeclal. will ba a close contender for honora In any race that Is pulled In Halt Lka or any of the nearby motorway. Ha ta j fearless and skillful and la known to the racing fraternity aa a "lead foot." because; he alwaya bears down heavy on tha gas I tha minute ha hlta a track. I Twenty-flva hundred dollars will be offered of-fered In prises for the varloua events, which wlH Include a number of time prlaea, sprints snd sevaral novelty races. Including; tha regulation Ford "bux" races. Tha "plum" of the meet, which will attract many drivers from a wide territory, however, will b tha quarter cantury, the claaale In Utah's motordom. Whifa tha racing event will ba conducted con-ducted thla yaar on tha same general p4an aa laat yaar. according to ITomotere Caaay and Bennett, tha prices will be much lower and the event will ba aaan at tha loweat prlcea In yoars. Tha raoaa will atart promptly at I P. m. 'Enter Madame la Clara Kimball Toungr'a naxt, ctha recently oompletad "The Handa of Naroo." |